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After a while Ace and Sabo slept. Zoro and Sanji carried both the boys into their Tree house. The rest strawhats followed in.. and sat in a circle keeping space for Zoro and Sanji as they put Ace and Sabo in bed...

"What is it that you wanted to tell us Robin?" Nami asked...

"Well.. it's about time I joined Crocodile... so I wanted to tell you all that I will be joining Crocodile soon... it will be a bit difficult to keep in touch for a while but I will manage... so try not to call me.. in case I am near him.. it will be suspicious... and I won't be able to infiltrate Baroque works..."

"Do you really need to go Robin? Isn't it ok if you don't join them?"

"No.. it will change a lot of things.. without me Crocodile probably won't think of attacking Alabasta as he did that all for getting to know about the information about a weapon that is written on poneglyphs in which is under the protection of the King.... So if I don't go there.. Crocodile probably won't go to Alabasta.. and thus you guys won't meet Vivi as well..."

"Ah.. Vivi.. isn't it enough that she would be safe though? So even if we don't meet her it's should be fine right?"

"Zoro is right... if she is safe.. it's enough... she won't be the Vivi we know anyways.. so it really doesn't matter..." Nami

"Just because she isn't the same one you know, you are giving up? Nami except for us.. No one is the same as we knew them.. everyone has changed because of the changes we did... And I will make sure she is safe... Nami, Zoro she was safe and happy  last time as well... She also got so many new friends.. I would never want to lose you guys as my friends even if I didn't know it..." Robin ended with a smile

"We know Robin, that you will keep her safe.. it's just... we aren't sure if we want her to go through it..." Usopp

"Well.. she isn't the only reason why I have to join Crocodile... the other reason is a secret for now.."

"Robin you join Crocodile.. and when you think it's time you should tell him.." Luffy..

"Tell him what?" Sanji...

"That's a secret between Luffy and me.. you guys will know when the time is right... fufufufu.."

"Luffy what is it that you are hiding from us? Tell us.." Nami with a dark gleam in her eyes..

"I don't know what your talking about?" Luffy said with his lying face..

"It's no use Nami, Luffy can't lie but he can keep a secret.. you won't get anything from him.." Zoro..

"As I said you guys will know when the time is right..  For that I need to infiltrate Baroque Works... It's perfect time now to infiltrate..  as it is yet to form.. and I know where to find Crocodile."

"Ok then... we didn't really have a choice in that matter..." Usopp

"You didn't. That's why I was telling you guys and not asking Luffy's permission..."

"Hmm... So when are you going?" Zoro

"There is still a bit of time.. so I will be coming with you guys to Kogane no Shima. I want to meet Law and his new family... i haven't met them since I last saved them... Also I want to see your reactions.."

"Hmm.. Reactions to what?" Zoro

"You will know when we reach there.." Robin.


"Don't talk like that to a lady!" Sanji said kicking Zoro...


But before the fight could continue.. Usopp interrupted..
"Anyways.. I was thinking I should go back to my village, I won't be any help in training Ace and Sabo. It's better if I train in my village.. I miss my mom as well..."

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