Awkward M&M's

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                                    Awkward M&M's

Mago was high-spirited right after he heard those three magical words 'You are forgiven'. He was so excited that he jumped right in King's arms thanking him nonstop making the older to lose his strict demeanour and chuckle at his cute boyfriend.

From then onwards, the days went in a blur with Mago busy preparing and attending his examination. The boy was up early in the morning every day, before the birds even chirped, and revised whatever he had remaining, ate his breakfast which usually consisted of some chocolate spread over a bagel, and flew the mansion to his school.

Mickey was always there to greet him at school and solve his queries which he couldn't do on his own. The boys had a blast of studies and snacks right after every subject until they are separated to go to their respective places for the night. Even then Mago spent many hours revising and making notes for everything he could.

Meanwhile, King was busy with his own business. Dealing with some pending work and meetings that took place in his headquarters. He didn't disturb the boy in those days until it was late at night. Mago would whine when King pull him to get some sleep but a glare with a certain emotion that said "Mess with me and see what happens" was enough to make the boy nod his head in submission.

Finally, the days of excruciating efforts were over with the last exam. Both the boys left their exam hall while discussing what they did right and what they did wrong with happy hearts and excited brains.

"I can't believe I will be a graduate now if Mr Mark didn't come biting my ass off" Mago excitedly said hopping on each step leading outside the school. Mickey snickered behind him, finding Mago's act cute in their own unique way.

"yeah me too. After what torture you made him go through, I highly doubt he will let you stay" Mickey commented as they walked past the entry gate. Right outside the gate stood a group of some unconcerned and kind of irritated students.

Intrigued enough, both the boys went near only to hear wails and wails of some familiar creature. The source was sitting right in the middle of the group crying her eyes out making Mickey and Mago hold back a chuckle.

"I thought it was history in the last but I didn't know it was maths..." Patty cried louder making many students pass her annoyed looks. Mickey shared a look with Mago and they both grinned at each other before they made their way out of the School.

A man in a dark suit watched them coming and started to follow them quietly.

"Karma is a fucking bitch" Mickey said shrugging his shoulders and Mago laughed at his friend.

"and when a stronger bitch get a very big chunk of your ass in her mouth" the younger said while laughing hard holding his tummy. In his opinion, it was great what happened to Patty after what she put him and his friend through.

"let's not jinx our happiness. Come on let's celebrate our temporary freedom" Mickey suggested and Mago was already ready to roll.

"oh yes! I say we go to that one-dollar cheap fast food alley and eat to our heart's content" Mago said while rubbing his small hands together in excitement.

"And I say we go to the mall and hang around for a while. Maybe grab a bite or two" Mickey replied but his suggestion was odd to Mago since they couldn't afford such shops at the mall.

"whoa!... Really? we can do that?" he asked with curious eyes that Mickey found cute.

"of course, we can come on," said the older and dragged the boy towards the bus station, the man followed suit. After getting in, they both shared a single headphone and listened to their favourite singer until they reached their destination.

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