Innocent fucking bean

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                                   Innocent fucking bean

"NO....NO....NO!!!!!!" Kangsu shouted as he swiped his both hands across everything that was peacefully sitting on the table and made them tumbling down on the ground with a loud crash. The old man was raging at another level with his nose flaring red and breathing like a marathon runner.

Kangsu was angry

People around him looked at him like some kind of entertainment, they exchanged glances left and right while some of them stifled an urge to roll their eyes.

Boss was standing, leaning, on the large window. The calm man was watching the rain as it poured down along the glass of the window, creating different creative patterns. It was when Kangsu shouted after entering the room and threw everything on the table to the floor like he fucking owned them then the man turned around slightly to face the old hag.

"he can't do this to me.....he fucking cant!!!!!" Kangsu continued in his rage.

The boss sighed tiredly, he glanced at his men yawning and ignoring the shouting male between them and rolled his eyes.

This was getting boring.

Leaving the window, he came back and sat in his chair behind the desk, which was now empty of anything. Kangsu watched him doing so.

"how can he do this to me? How can he replace me, the man who has given my everything to this fucked up empire, How!!!!!?" Kangsu asked angrily as he darted his glare towards the boss. The old man asked those questions for some sort of silent comfort, maybe some light words of encouragement, but all he got in return was a bored expression by none other than his boss.

"it was my rightful place that was given to that beautiful face on a fucking platter after they threw me out!!!......that fucking boy came out of nowhere and snatched everything from me, everything from its rightful owner!!." Kangsu yelled his frustration but the boss didn't change his way of looking at him.

It made Kangsu angrier

"King cannot forget what I have done for the empire, he cannot," he said as a matter of fact, wanting desperately to get any reaction for his show of rage but once again he got nothing more than a nonchalant boss.

Kangsu looked around the room. The men around him were just watching him like an animal who was roaming where he shouldn't. The pumpkin felt an embarrassing blush creeping up his neck as he turned to look straight into the boss's eyes.

The boss, who rolled his eyes.

"oh? So now you are uninterested huh?" he asked feeling insulted in front of the boss and his men. The boss met his angry eyes and a small amused smile broke out on his lips.

"I am no use to you since I am not a mafia anymore right? My words, my insults and my revenge doesn't mean anything to you? why? BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING POWERFUL STATUS LEFT?!!!!!!!" Kangsu shouted at the top of his lungs.

He has been feeling this discrimination of behaviour from the boss since Chris had gone missing and he got fired. Nobody was taking him anymore seriously, not even the boss who had been taking favours after favours from him.

Truth to be told, Kangsu has feared this outcome way before King getting suspicious of him. He knew one day or other, the status of being the leader would be snatched away and he would be empty-handed just like he is right now.

But the thirst to destroy the king and take over the well-deserving throne of the empire was what made him gather up with the boss and his so-called friend Wren Christopher.

Only to face scenarios he dreaded to be in.

The old man glared daggers at the boss, sitting calmly in his chair. He did not want to hear any excuse that the other might spurt out when he saw him sighing as he started.

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