Sweet Toothache

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Sweet Toothache

“what are you doing now” Mickey heard from the seat beside him and turned to look at Jana, he tsked loudly and turned his attention back to his phone in his hand.

The older of the two rolled his eyes at the gesture and took a sip from his now not-so-cold beer.

Mickey accompanied Jana to that fancy club only to fulfil his part of the deal, the date. Earlier, when Mickey was pacing around his small apartment in worry about his soulmate who he hadn’t seen in a few days, Jana claimed his date night.

At first, Mickey refused to go but then he made up his mind, he would have a change of environment to divert his worried thoughts and his deal would be done for.

Both didn’t happen.

The ‘date duo’ had been sitting at the corner booth for over an hour now but Mickey was distracted each second towards his phone and it was getting on Jana’s nerves.

The boy was looking so gorgeous, even in his casual attire, that Jana had a hard time focusing on anything other than him. He wanted to flirt, to laugh and to enjoy some time with a beautiful being.

But Mickey wasn’t paying him any attention.

“Mickey…..” Jana called frustrated and heard a groan in return.

“I am calling my baby bitch who isn’t picking up his goddamn phone……..” Mickey told while placing his phone back against his ear.

“Who? Mago?” Jana asked taking a big gulp from his glass while eyeing the one Mickey never touched.

“yeah, who else” the younger spat not in the mood.

“come on Mickey, he must be busy with his boyfriend…..and you should be too” Jana stated purposefully riling other’s temper as he watched Mickey suddenly glaring at him.

“you are not my fucking boyfriend Jana” Mickey cleared it with a warning and Jana felt a little string being pulled in his heart.

Why so rude?

“ughh……he is not picking up…….he worries me too much” Mickey placed his phone on the table roughly and grabbed his glass of beer from the table to finish it in a go.

Jana watched him quietly, his mood was sour now that Mickey was treating him that way.

“let's get out of here…..its past twelve and it's getting creepy” the younger suggested and got up to straighten his jeans and jacket. Jana rolled his eyes at him, standing after him.

“Sure, since you have already ruined the date….let’s just go back” Jana scoffed earning a look from Mickey, the boy looked at Jana and his disappointed face.

“come on, don’t be like that now Jana. I came here, didn’t I? I have filled my part of going out with you on a date” Mickey was right; he was done with his part but Jana had a different way of thinking.

“ignoring me all this while and calling your ‘baby’ is what you call a date Mickey, seriously” the older retorted harshly as he glared at the younger with a question.

“That’s so bullshit of a behaviour Mickey” Jana shouted with a frown, his voice was suppressed under the booming music as he flipped his glass on the table, angrily.

Mickey stood silent and stared at the other’s figure slowly going away from him, leaving the booth and walking his way to the exit.

Mickey has had enough. He was standing there alone while some of the passerbyes looked at him curiously.

King Mafia and MagoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ