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Meanwhile the somber night skies were pitch black outside the girl's dorms.

Winifred removes the black covers from off her body slowly. "I was awakened by an assiduous scream seeping out of the doors that led to the hallways. I look around. I notice nothing. Lori and Dapper were sound asleep."

Winifred strides over to Lori, tip toeing. She did not want to wake up anyone on the floor they were on. Each step was like a splash of cold water.

Winifred sneezed.

"Lori, Lori. Wake up wake up!" I heard a scream. It was a terribly loud scream from the hallways. We should go check it out...don't you think, Lori?"

Lori plucks her head from off of the white cotton pillow. She had bed hair.

Agitated, Lori said, "Winifred, I didn't hear a peep. What's a scream?"

Winifred points. "Har, Har. In the hallway. Please believe me."

Leaving their dorm rooms, they walk to the hallways and were surprised. A group of students surrounded an entranceway into the shallow staircases.

They both perked up their chins. "Lori, Winifred said and pointed. Well, why don't cha' look at them. They must be hiding something," Winifred said.

Patiently Lori eyed them like a bald eagle eyeing its prey.
Lori grabs Winifred by the arms. "Listen here, Winifred. She pointed. We can't go roaming the school at night after curfew. It's against the rules. Her hands clamoring to her mouth. We could be expelled or worse..."

Winifred stood up straighter than an iron board. "You're exaggerating! Even if we did get caught, it wouldn't mean a darn thing."

Then the two slink in closer to see what caused the venomous scream. They saw a macabre scene. A putrid boy was dead as a politician's whimsy promises.

Winifred perches down to the brown hardwood floor with her ear close to the ground and body. " a knife wound to the trachea," said Winifred softly.

"Winifred, cover your eyes. This is too gruesome," Lori said.

Mr. Rupard stampedes out of his office and into the hallway where a contemporary white light fixture was hanging across the cieling. "Clear this hallway now!" Yelled Mr. Rupard.

His thick black eyebrows looked like a furry rodent such as a squirrel. "Winifred...Lori, what is the meaning of this?! He asked. I want to see you two in my office now. By God, who could've done this?" He bent down to the dead boy, gently plucking his head up from off the ground and nervously he said, " Go back to your rooms and wait there. Go now!"

The medical staff came and plucked the boy up from off of the ground and placed him on a stretcher. The medical staff were used to emergencies like these because the school had become dangerous territory over the years. Small clicks began to form and resemble gangs. Mr. Rupard jolts his thick arm out to them. "Take this dear boy to the Medical Bay."

Lori's blank stare said it all. "Mr. Rupard, urgently she said. We had nothing to do with this murder! Said Lori. We heard a loud scream last night." Her heart steering rapidly. 

Winifred shines her eyes at Mr. Rupard like the blinkers on a brand new luxurious car. "Yes. Lori and I were just investigating what happened. But we had no part in this murder. Whatsoever," said Winifred nervously.

Mr. Rupard glanced on with his beady eyes sinking lower into his sockets. He turned to his side folding his hand up to his face, as his thick, green and scaly tail was squirming.

"I know, girls, Mr. Rupard said pleasantly. I know you've had absolutely nothing to do with this. I've known Osborne since he was but a young boy. He's been in this school ever since his Mother found out about his powerful psychic ability. A precocious young boy. He was always hanging out with the wrong crowd." Mr. Rupard fixated on the adjusting of his black frame glasses. "But, never in my wildest imagination did I imagine that he'd be murdered in cold blood. Not even in my wildest dreams. Osborne had vast potential. His eyes hit the floor in a defeated manner. Now that doesn't matter anymore..."

Winifred And The Mysterious LabWhere stories live. Discover now