Author's Final Note

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Writing is a tough job, I tell you. But nothing is as tough as editing. An editor must have the toughest job in the world when dealing with inexperienced and unpublished writers. But once I was done with the writing, it became something I would enjoy over and over without getting bored with it, which is quality to me. Its like opening up that brand new toy you always wanted for Christmas.

But that's what I hope the book becomes because God knows I've worked hard enough on it. Most people are deterred by reading. Why? Perhaps because 95% of fiction is dull. So, if I can be that top percent to captivate you, then, I feel I've done my part as a writer, which is to entertain you. But with words. So, when you open up this book, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It was a challenge, for sure.

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