To New Beginings

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Like that it was all over with. Cornelius had vanished to God knows where, Jiminy had been defeated, and now Winifred was back safely on the other side. The Earth realm. Who knew she had it in her, but she did, and she had proved her worth. David was unconscious and the area had almost burned to the ground just like the school had burned down. But now there was one last task they had. They had to find Mr. Rupard, and let him know about what had taken place. He was the only one they could trust.

"Winifred," said Lori. Holding out her hand to grab her.

Suddenly, Dapper came running into the chamber, as the back doors open softly. Some soft footsteps hurriedly walk over.

Why, it was Mr. Rupard.

Mr. Rupard had began to walk over to the girls, as his voice became pronounced. "Hello, girls," said Mr. Rupard. He strides on in on his hoothes, and reeled out his neck. He gently lays out his hands --helping Winifred from off of the ground.

Mr. Rupard, yelled the three. "It's you!" Sneeves said. "Boy, are we glad to see you. You wont believe what happened."

Mr. Rupard turns to face Sneeves. "Sneeves, you can save it." He said harshly. I have been monitoring the events from a discreet location. I know what has transpired. He lifts up his frown. First off, he said. I want you three to know that you all are very brave to have made it this far. "For first year students this is mighty impressive."

They all cringe, afraid of what he might say next.

He smiles. "Not only that, but you all have found out Osbourne's killer. Amirite?"

Winifred steps forward. "Yes we did, sir." Jiminy and David were involved in the murder. Jiminy had Osborne killed by David. She said. "They both wanted to kill off the heir to the school, and they both wanted to take over, but Cornelius had interfered with their plans. He escaped into..."

Suddenly, two hooded Masters walk into the basement level.

"That's enough," they said.

They walk over and stand beside Mr. Rupard. "They have broken our sacred rules." One of them said. They have infiltrated our sacred grounds-- not only that, but they have a part in the school's destruction. He looks to Winifred. It was her whom released Cornelius from his prison. "For that, they should be expelled from the school."

"What?!" Said Sneeves. "We stopped that maniac. Not only that, but we figured out who killed Osbourne. "It was David and Jiminy." They killed Osborne because they wanted to take over the School. He said. If you were so smart or good at your jobs, you'd prevented all of this..."

The area became silent.

"He's right," said Mr. Rupard. He is very right. Look at the once beautiful school, he points. It will take at least six months to rebuild it. If we use our allocated funds. He said softly. "But, this means the School will have a late start next year."

"Listen," said Winifred. We didn't want to get sucked into all of this. Maybe we shouldn't have gone off chasing Osborne's murderer. True. "But you could use students like us," she said. We are brave enough. Her eyes twirl up. "Brave enough to do what you couldn't do."

The masters look to each other. "That may be so," they said.


"Listen," Mr. Rupard said. We have only one life to live and they have proven themselves to be very capable students, and Hunters. He looks to them and said: "That's why I will be making them official Hunters for this school."

Sneeves, Lori, and Winifred look to each other with an excited look in their eyes.

"Why, thank you!" Winifred said loudly. This is better than I had hoped for coming to this school. "I really mean that, sir." She said.

Winifred And The Mysterious LabWhere stories live. Discover now