Warning: Danger Zone

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The three trials would begin any moment as Sneeves, Winifred and Lori stand alone by the levitating stands. They gaze around and were amazed by all of the colorful buoyant attractions, and the gliding stands which hovered all around the vast field. They then take their seats.

The last couple of weeks the girls had trained and studied in preparation for the trials. There were to be three trials. It was also no secret that the top tier students would be competing also. They would finally learn what the trials rules were and how to navigate each section of the trials themselves. All the while, Lori had trained by herself the entire time hoping to improve before the trials had begun.

Maybe. Just maybe she wouldn't be too horrible.

In the stands, Winifred was draped from head to toe in a thick brown coat. She folds out her arms Against the railings, pushing her fingers up against the metal railings. "Sneeves, are you competing with us?" Asked Winifred.

Sneeves shot his fat neck back slightly. "Yes I am. He said alarmingly. You didn't think I was going to drop out did you?" He smiles.

"You haven't talked to us recently, said Winifred timidly. So I didn't know what to expect from you. We should be worried about you then? I don't know. Feels like you have a plan you're concealing from us."

He plucks his hands back into his coat pockets. "It really seems like that to you, Winifred? I don't think so, he whispers to her. I'm  scouting for competition. They could be anywhere. I'm not in the least interested in your affairs. So good day."

A short and bearded announcer walks up hurriedly to a medium sized grey  podium, and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, as the crowd screams in a high pitch. Without further a due, the trials will commence. You've all studied your elements. Now you will know how these trials will work. For one, the trials consist of detective or 'Hunter work,' and there's some fighting ability also. He clears his throat. For instance, he said, you will be split into pairs. Two to three people to a team. Or if you're advanced enough a student you can go at it alone. The crowd frosted over into awe. The first trial will be a hunt for an artifact called 'Solomon's stone.' Solomon was a Master teacher at this school long long ago. Every year we dedicate the first trial to his legacy," as he shouts into the black corded microphone.

As the two girls sit patiently, they notice Mr. Rupard and Dr. David talking to one another. Then Trail Blazers waltz on through the stands and gave out a loud blaring squeal like a bird chirp-- their calling card. Signaling that they were here.

Everyone in the audience remains silent and look puzzled.

Winifred bends down to pick up something from off the stone staircases. A stray piece of wire.

"A wire? What is it for?" Said Lori as she looks on eagerly.

"A wire? It's an Ethernet cord." Winifred said.

The two begin to whisk through the levitating stands. They make their way to their blue cushioned seats and perch their tails down, as the sun in the pale clouds looks for room to blossom high up in the blue skies.

Lori slouches against her seat and probed her head with her fingers delicately. "There was something ominous to these games. They seemed like a good way to test what we've learned so far, Lori thought, and maybe...just maybe we'd be great Hunters if we were cut out for the work."

But there was much competition, in the way of other students, whom also wanted to take home the prize. It was a great prize at stake: full house to themselves. Whomever won. One of the houses was perched alongside the mountain path of the school. A most mysterious house, which many said was haunted. But it was mostly hearsay.

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