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Dr. David curls out from behind the wooden desk. "Welcome to our Air elemental class, ladies and gentlemen. Pleasure to see you here again. What's new? Dr. David said."

At the school, other students were also vying to be Masters. The highest rank awarded at Serrus: Master Hunter.

Lori and Winifred cluster into the class before Dr. David's tall and lanky frame. "Hello, Mr. David." Winifred eagerly said.

The classroom me and Lori were assigned too fitted about nineteen students each saddled in their brown wooden desks. Some of the desks still had handwriting scribbled on them from previous upper years. One said: "The best student alive is me!" Another said, "Marshall and Lisa 4 Eva!"

Sneeves turns to Winifred and Lori, and said, "Hello."

He was wearing a black suit with a red tie. His curly black hair was combed slightly to the left.

Winifred shot out her hands. "Hello, Sneeves. Well, look at you. You look sharp. You should get an award or something for it, Winifred said. It would be perfect. Don't you think, Lori?"

Lori looked dismayed. But bolted up her chin and said, "he looks okay. I guess." They all sit down as classes begin.

Dr. David slinks back into his black cushioned seat. "Alright, Dr. David said. So class, today, we'll be covering the basic Air energy which we can use to cut materials and as a tool. Kicking up his feet to the table, he said, we usually use it to harvest fruit during the Fall. You can never have enough of these kinds of resources. He perches out of his chair like a spring and marches along the blackboard. They've become something of a commodity around here. What we as teachers try to do is teach you girls the true meaning of these powers because you will need them in the three great trials that lie ahead for you. Since there are four years of school there are three trials each year. Those with the highest scores are awarded a Master Hunter rank and can even become teachers themselves."

Dr. Davids face was thinly shaped with prominent cheekbones, and his nose sprouted out like Pinichio.

Winifred raises up her hand and said, "Dr. David, will you please explain harnessing energies such as when you meditate?"

He looks up earnestly. "Why sure I can," Winifred. It's like you say: meditate on it." Then you practise. The more you practise, the more you will learn about the elements or about the powers that come with it. And the responsibility also. There is a great wisdom in mastering elemental energies. It can be of benefit or it can be used to harm others. We're all here to learn from one another, he said."

Winifred began to slouch in the chair. "This was his great lecture. Winifred thought. He's starting to sound like some New Age hipster. I haven't seen it in action yet so I shouldn't judge too soon. It does sound awesome."

Then classes end.

The students hustle out of the class and head to their next classes, when a bulky student confronts Winifred.

"Winifred, is that you? It's me Arty!" Said a soothing and mellow voice.

"Arty. Winifred said. Why I haven't seen you since the third grade. Well, you're bigger than I last saw you," she points. Arty stood there calmly.

Arty was a tall bulky fourteen year old with wide shoulders like a line backer and a thin crop of thick black hair. He holds out his hands. "Nice to see you again. His smile then turned into a dreadful frown. Tapping his elbows with his nails, he said, we should hang out more, and we should practise for the trials together perhaps."

"We could do that, Winifred cautiously said. But I'm busy helping a friend out with some of the elements. We just don't have the time. Sorry, she said, with a tightening clasp of her hands. Then she strides off with Lori. Listen, Lori. We must be wary around the schools. I don't trust enough people here. Whispered Winifred to Lori. Maybe that will change. But I doubt it."

Winifred And The Mysterious LabWhere stories live. Discover now