The Dark Cave

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The cave Team Dynamo fell through was tucked beneath the forest which was haunted with vengeful ancient ghosts.

Sneeves surprisingly takes charge of the team and ushers them into a small nearby riverbed where a great waterfall could be seen collapsing from outside of the cave on into the cave. Above were the crystal clear blue skies.

Slowly curling up out of his low posture, he wearily looks at his team. "Listen, team, Sneeves said with pep. Those two pesky girls are mere first years. We can still win this, as he smiles. But if we work together." He pointed like a drill commander.

His team listened intently, and began to follow him deeper into the moist and dark cave. Because the students were in a holographic set the forest would only last for sixty minutes before it was shut down by the masters; and, if neither of the teams found the stone, then no one would take home the prize. The prize was still the magnificent vacation home nestled away by some rocky grey asphalts along the winding mountain pathway of the school.

As Team Dynamo lurks deeper into the dark cave, they spot many small grotesque vermin such as spiders, insects, bugs, and filthy rodents.

The cave was hollow enough and you could hear the faint echoes of the team's gentle footsteps as they continued to make their way through.

Meanwhile Team Enigma flee off to the stone as they followed the trail left by the insects. The insects seemed to be traveling very fast together and were now about a mile up from where the two teams had battled. The sunny skies, although fake, illuminated the green forest like a glowing display of fireworks. Making it much easier for them to navigate.

Then, out of nowhere a giant, husky black bear appears with giant claws and menacing teeth. It let out a horrifying grunt, as it tried to swipe at them. But before it could land a blow, Winifred let out a fierce Earth shattering blast which lifted up the ground  around the bear. It made the scene all the more gruesome to watch unfold because the fraught bear began to struggle to regain its footing. The bear came thundering down like a jolt of lighting and it smacks heavily into the ground, ironing out the surface around it like a thin crop of fertile soil. It wasn't dead but it sure was incapable of breathing normally.

"Lori, let's go now." Winifred said.

"Alright," Lori said back to her.

The two hotblooded girls dash along the lush green forest rolling across the grassy fields with their feet. The dirt beneath their feet started to fizzle out as if the holographic set was disintegrating such as a laser field with waning beams like from Star Wars The Phantom Menace.

When they reached the end of the rope they came to a cliff.

Meanwhile, back in the cave, Sneeves places his hands against the hard cave walls. Ebbing over it carefully so he could make his way through the narrow and dark cave.

"Team, on me. Sneeves said and points. If we follow these bugs we may be able to find the clues to the stone, since, the stone was buried somewhere on the vast acres of land. But the team didn't know where for sure. They crept along, softly coddling the cave walls, as they heard faint echoes of the  waterfall which splashed heavily against the large rocks in the cave.

As Winifred and Lori peer over the sloped cliff, they see an entranceway, but they  hurriedly look away when the bearded gentlemen slowly walks up to them.

Eagerly he walks up to them. The smile on his face rose up slowly, revealing missing and yellow teeth. "Hello, young girls." He said. The girls look on curious.

"Hello to you too," shrieks out Lori, as she wound her brown hair into a loose ponytail. "Hello, said the bearded gentlemen. He gave out a glaring sober stare. It was like looking down the blank void of the barrel of a Smith & Wesson. What you seek is within the veil," he said cautiously.

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