Seven Years Ago...

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Seven years ago...

Seven years ago when Winifred was seven she was taken in by her Mother. Whom raised her unto she was ten years old. Her mother and her Father we're going through a bitter divorce and they did not want to burden the child with their problems. Although Winifred saw it, analysed it and never forgot what she had witnessed. To say it didn't affect her growing up is to be careless with emotions, especially the fragile ones, with fragile hearts to begin with. By the time Winifred was ten years old, her Mother and Father mysteriously disappear off of the face of the City they lived, in a small California neighborhood.

Then, she moved to Denver, Colorado to live with her grandmother. The transition wasn't easy on her. But she had to manage.

When she was seven, she knew of an incident which disturbed her. It had to do with her psychic abilities. She had a strong aptitude for it. But her parents were bewildered. Why, they had no psychic ability of their own. So where could Winifred had gotten this from? They didn't know at the time. So they sent Winifred off to a school for gifted children. It was at a remote location and funded by the government. They did testing on kids with special abilities or Super Intelligences, but after weeks of testing, they found nothing special about Winifred. At the time, Winifred thought she was special. Her parents never made her feel at all special because of the divorce they were going through. They had no clue what to do with Winifred. Neither seemed to want the responsibility. Both being highly successful business executives.

When Winifred went to live with her grandmother, she was greeted and treated kindly because she was a nice girl. She just loved to play with toys. She would sit in her room all day. Wouldn't go outside, even in the Summer. She was a loner. She had to figure out a way to continue to play with these toys at her grandmothers. She was ten years old but knew full and well of the deep psychological probing she had done her self as a kid, growing up witnessing her turbulent family life. Which was now in shambles. Her mom's name was Joyce, and her Father's name was Henry. He happened to own a business out on Sunset, where he bargained for many years to accumulate his fortune. He was a Forbes 500 kind of guy. So was her Mother, Joyce.

They never really played much with Winifred as a child. They had a nanny take care of it, and they would leave poor Winifred on weekends by herself, where she felt even more alone and abandoned. Many people think that to raise a child is the best experience possible. But, no. To watch a child grow into the person they finally become is priceless. Winifred was a loner at school, where students would mistreat her and call her names. They would even bully her just because of her eccentric family, and wealthy lifestyles. Get this? Students actually turned their backs to a really smart person. How odd?!

At the school, Winifred would sit alone or wander the hallways, always collecting Sleekeo Cards. Why, she had a whole deck. She would play at lunch with other students and compete with the smartest kids.

For, ten year olds, we sure were into cards and similar games. Winifred thought.

But as she got older, Winifred could sense something was amiss. It haunts her dreams. It was the being singled out which caught her attention most. Why, of all people. Just a plain looking girl, whom was a loner. Why were they scared? What could they be scared of?

It pervades her thoughts and imagination and took her mind by the grips. She could not fathom why. There was nothing more scary to her than the thought of her losing it or her marbles. She would be a danger to not only herself, but to anyone else she cared about. She did care for her grandmother, whom was just a frail old lady. What was Winifred to do if she was no longer alive to take care of her?

Winifred walks around still researching. Still trying to understand what Cornelius meant by daughter? It all started to sound highly bizarre. Winifred didn't know what to think. What could Cornelius mean and why didn't he attempt to take her out?

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