Who Dun it?

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"So do you think Osbourne was hiding something in the computer, Lori sneered. Some type of secret to do with the school perhaps?"

Sneeves jumps in and interrupts. "Ladies, he said. Maybe we do have a clue. Maybe we don't. But I'll tell you what...the masters... they're already looking for the cold trail also. They've been one step ahead of us this entire time so we better make haste in finding the killer before they do because if we don't, the killer could take us out as well. Best not to leave it out of the imagination."

Winifred nods. "He's right, Lori. We should just hunt for the killer following the clues we already have. Who do you think it could be?"

"It could be anyone," Sneeves said pronounced.

The computer was just the tip of the iceberg for the girls because if they did go any deeper into this mystery there would be dire consequences for them. They didn't know where to turn or to look so they looked to Dapper, who was playful and frolicking on the ground.

"Dapper girl, Lori said. We're going to go and solve this mystery today, and you should come along with us."

"Wawf, Wawf," as the dog began to tail them out of the house.

"We still have this nice vacation home. It'll make a nice base," said Lori to Winifred.

Winifred said, "Yes, it would. We should hurry back to the computer lab and search for anything out of the blue. Maybe. Just maybe the clue was that the computer was some sort of cloaking device. A kind of tracer, she said, as she begins to pluck together her black coat and unwind her wrists from the coat's restraints.

They look around the halls, monitoring for patrols but notice nobody, and it was silent. They barge in the computer lab again, when they saw a thief in a sandy trench coat. A dark coated figure bustled out of an open stone panel window and vanishes with the computer in hand. The room was silent. Not a soul was in sight. The windows blow frosty wind in the room.

"Who was that?" Said Lori, panicked.

"It was a Master student. It had to been. Only Masters move that fast, chimed in Sneeves."

"Well, if he's a Master, how are we supposed to catch him?" Lori said.

"We don't. They move around in clicks, Sneeves reiterated. It would be impossible at out current power levels. We best leave it to them if they are so adamant about solving it. Which I know they are."

"I don't agree, Winifred said, gently shaking her head. We must chase after him because he knows something we don't know. Not only that, as she came down upon the table with her hands like a lightning bolt. This doesn't scare me at all. You want to know what scares me? That killer. She points. We must plan out a way to distract the Masters and sneak back that computer. We have the skills, she said. We can solve this murder if we put all of our minds to it. Arching her hand across her forehead, she wipes perspiration off of it. But there's also a creaky point beneath the surface of the school. What could that mean?"

"Ghosts!" Heckles Sneeves, lifting up his wide mouth like a comedic dog.

"We cant just assume it's a haunted school. Even if it is, Winifred jolts out. We must not assume the worst. Not yet anyways."

"Wawf, wawf, wawf... Dapper girl, what is it?" Lori said, as Dapper dashes along to a piece of a note in the quaint computer lab. It was in the same black hand writing as the message inscribed on the wall when they first investigated the crime scene.

It read: "Dear Miriam, I have failed as a husband, as a friend, but my dear, I have failed as a person... By the time you read this, I will be long gone. Life has failed me. My dreams fail me. I am a hopeless romantic, and I don't know how you ever put up with my antics. For so long, I've wanted to leave the land. For one, I was being used for my intelligence. I was not respected by any of the board members..."

Winifred And The Mysterious LabWhere stories live. Discover now