Enter the Lab

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"This is the Lab, Winifred." It is an underground lab, he said, as Winifred looks around. This lab was created long ago when the school was still fresh, and new. It has a special meaning in my heart. He clutches his chest. It means a lot to see that it still exists and has maintained its form. But this lab is not only a underground base for the school. All of the dead Masters were preserved here in nicely enclosed caskets for their bodies. The bodies were frozen throughout the ages and a record of them is recorded every year. For the record, as he paused. The lab is just a secret hideout for the Masters, where they would train and learn more lessons about the mission of the school, but it became a bit of a power struggle. Most of the Masters went against the old teachings but they could never abandon the root principal.

The school was...it held, I mean. He stammers.

"Winifred... you must live..." You must fight back. The Masters may have already beaten you to the chase.

"Winifred, you must, find out more..."

"Winifred, I love you...daughter of mine." He said.

"Daughter?" Winifred thought. Daughter. What could he mean? Daughter?

Suddenly, Cornelius vanishes like a ghost.

Winifred yells out a loud voice: "Cornelius!"

Meanwhile, Sneeves and Lori enter softly into the sprawling room where the ladders we're upside down and right side up. They climb up one side of the room, but end up back on the opposite end. They crawl down one set of ladders, but end up upside down. They crawl into a small hole but end up back in the room... then, they spot another ladder, which was faced sideways. Gushing through the wall itself, which sprung up pictures of various school memorabilia.

"In here," Lori said. Tugging at Sneeves. Sneeves turns to Lori, tailing her down the ladder. The ladder was long and sprang for miles but they continue to climb.

"Hello!" Anyone down here? Sneeves yells. I wonder where does this lead? It could lead to the middle of the Earth, for all we know. But we don't know. So lets keep going.

They continue to climb and climb down the ladder, and once they got to the bottom, they came down thudding.



"Where are we?" Lori said urgently.

Sneeves looks on, bewildered just as she was. Its some sort of White Room.

Lori said: "Winifred! Look, its, Winifred." They run up to Winifred and wrap their arms around her.

Lori sang back. "Winifred, we're here." We're here for you. She said this suddenly. It was as if she was possessed by something, or someone. A spirit, or a ghost, which gripped her softly.

"Let me go, yells Winifred, as she runs back to the entrance.

"Winifred!" Sneeves said

"Let's go after her, said Lori, as they began the chase. Winifred ran through hall after hall, ladder after ladder. She was lost however, coming to a small playground... she begins to ponder.

"What have I done?" She thought. What could he mean by Daughter? Did I really want to get to involved in this. This was all just too much.

Then, she begins folding her hands into her lap. Counting: one, two, three, four, five birds sitting in a tree by their lonesome selves. But that doesn't mean anything, if I don't find the killer, and there is still no trace of such a figure. Where, oh where could the killer be?

The sun light arose splashing across the playground, as Sneeves and Lori reach her just in time... then, the gates to the basement opens and they were back on the other side.

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