A New Clue

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Spring recess was still in session and besides researching, Winifred spent the majority of her time alone. She began to contemplate the events leading up to today, and started to put all the pieces of the puzzle together. But without Sneeves and Lori. She still felt she couldn't drag them all the way into this. It would be unsafe for them.

Meanwhile, Lori begins to take off her clothes, and ties up a knot in her black shoes. They were the shoes her mother had bought her for school.

Winifred combs her hair back lightly. She looks in the mirror and said: "Will I ever be good enough?"

The room was dark although it was morning. The shades around the windows kept the room dark.

Winifred thrived in a Man Cave. It was like the Bat Cave actually. But she thrives.

Winifred walks out of the room, trying to put two and two together. First, there was the body, which was Osborne's. Osborne was a student for years and the heir to the school so it didn't make sense that he'd be murdered. It also happened at the beginning of the school year.

"The hand writing on the wall matches Cornelius's handwriting from the history books." Said Winifred. It was right by the murder scene. So, it was Cornelius! It had to been Cornelius! He murders his son to reclaim the school as his rightful own! She thought.

"Winifred!" Lori and Sneeves said. Look, we found you. They both walk into the room, as Winifred was still cheering on about how she discovered the murderer: "Cornelius!"

"The great Cornelius was somehow involved in Osbourne's murder?" But how?! Lori said.

"Lori, well, look," Winifred said. I've just been going over some of these clues we laid down here. There's a clue about the hand writing on the wall, which I linked to the history books. In the history books, I found Cornelius's signature all along the books!

"Winifred," Lori said. I don't think we should be snooping around for these clues because the school was on twenty-four hour watch. All of the patrols were just waiting for us to make a move.
"That's the thing," said Winifred. I don't know where we should look first because of the patrols! Sneeves jumps in and said: "well, Winifred, if you don't want to get caught, maybe we shouldn't go through with this. We should just leave it alone." What do you say, Winifred? Sneeves said.

It was one of those days. Winifred didn't get on well with the others, but blamed Lori for her misfortune because the book with the notes in them were nowhere to be found. "By golly!" Yells Winifred. She looks down at her shoes and back up again. "Here we are, Lori." "Why don't you look at this," as she handed her something. It was the notebook that was lost. But now, it was found.

"Its the notebook!" Winifred yells. She put the notebook gently into her bag and sidles off.

"Bye guys." She said. "I don't know what else to tell you. I've got to go. Bye." She rushes off downstairs and cups the railing. As she hurries downstairs, she could hear some light footsteps making their way up the stairs. Softly, creaking on each step. Tip, toe, tip, toe, tip, toe, tip, toe... It was Mr. Rupard. As Mr. Rupard careens up the stairs, he pushes Winifred to the side and holds onto the railing. The railing curls all the way from the bottom stairs to the top of the stairs.

"Hello, Winifred." Said Mr. Rupard.

Winifred looks up and said: "Hello Mr. Rupard. Its nice to see you again."

Winifred buries her head into her knapsack and turns the other way. As Winifred walks down the stairs and out of the building, you could almost feel Mr. Rupard monitoring the girls, as if he was on edge. "Winifred," Mr. Rupard said. Why don't you come with me, he said. He rolls his eyes back, which we're now darting all over the place. Then, Winifred runs away.

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