The Spectacular Second Trials

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The following two days for the girls were cruel. They had to wait while the other contestants trained. There was a shortage on the training areas due to an overflowing student body.

The three enter the stadium, and walk around as the crowd cheered. The sun light peered through the opening in the cieling which was over one hundred feet in the air.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the announcer said. We will commence Trial two of our three trials. The trial today will consist of a seek and destroy all out duel between the various competing teams. He begins to walk toward the crowd, mic in hand. He then said: "Well, let the games begin!" The crowd cheered a mighty cheer, which boasted through the speakers.

The girls step up and sit down by some other students. "This was going to be a good one." Isn't it? Said Sneeves. Now, more confident in his own abilities at detecting details. He started to pick up on it as he was training with the girls. He was a clever one.

"Listen, girls, we don't know what could happen here today so we need to keep moving," said Sneeves. Life is like riding a bicycle.

"That's Albert Einstein?" Said Lori.

Sneeves smiles. "Yes, it is. The Genius."

"Yeah, he's great alright," she said. But we're no Einstein, and we need to concentrate on the here and now. Don't you agree?

"Of course, I agree." Why I wouldn't even second guess it. It could be disastrous for our friendship if we're to take opposing intellectual views. "Don't you think?" Said Sneeves. I do agree, we should be concentrating on these matters, but nowhere in the book does it say that we cannot think outside of the box!

"He's right," Winifred said softly, as still as a plywood board.
We don't know if this is going to help our situation or not. We have to focus, as the crowd cheers on louder and louder like a hard banging.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may the trials commence!" The announcer yells.

Two teams began to take their positions at the starting gate. It was two teams of first year students, whom were called Team Renegade and Team Disaster. They stood, as the announcer began to walk on through. He picks up the black corded microphone and said: "Well, ladies and gentlemen," you've asked for it and we've delivered. We heard your cries, your cheers, and read your letters. Now you will be happy to know that the first round will commence of 'Seek & Destroy.' Whomever gets the most scores wins the games and the prize. "This time it is a very precious and valuable amulet!" An amulet that allows anyone who wears it to become any object in the area. Woah, the students yell, as they cheer on.

"There will be a grid arena, and each Team has their own grid," he said. Which they can use as a base. They can set up defenders and attackers to seal off the bases. But most importantly, they can attack and duel each other.

"Three, two, one... BEGIN!!!" Yells the announcer, as the crowd cheers along.

The two teams assume positions and were both set to defend their bases when one student from Team Renegade walks out to the Attacker station and summons up large ice swords. Which clinched from the cieling to the floor, as team Disaster falls back. "The barrage," one member yells, it's too much. "The swords must be dispelled with a fire spell," yells the team captain. "Monty, summon up the fire spell," he yells and points. "I summon up Fire Inferno," the student yells, as Flames wrapped all around his hands. He then strikes the swords with his hands and the swords come shattering down to the floor. Then melting.

Monty faces them and said: "Summon Electrical grid cloister shock spell. The student puts his two hands together and summons up the spell. As the spell ignited, it engulfed the field with electricity, which outlined from their end to Team Disaster's end. He releases his hands and electrical monsters appeared behind Team Disaster. In a sneak attack!

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