Certainly I Am Sneeves

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"Hello." My name is Sneeves. I am fifteen years old and I like to play Sleekeo cards. When I was younger, I attended a different school. This was when I was eleven. Being young and dumb got me in a lot of trouble. "If it was not for my Masters, I would have not learned how to get on the right track."

Yes, Sneeves had Masters. His parents died in a car accident when he was eight. He never really felt the same way afterwards. He was distant, cold and became more unsure of himself.

Masters took him on as an apprentice. They would roam the lands, in search of talented prospects they would take on as students or pupils. The Masters gave few chances to the more slower students, but gave plenty of chances to the more brighter students. Sneeves was one of the brightest.

They trained at a remote location in San Diego, where Sneeves lived at for two years. Two long years, Sneeves trained under their wing before he was shipped off to Serrus to make a name for himself and his family. He was supposed to become a Master Hunter. That was the plan, at least.

Sneeves was good. In fact, he was great. He learned very fast and was dedicated to his work.

When Sneeves traveled to Serrus, he brought with him knowledge and leather luggage bags. He was ready to take on a new task at the school, but before he arrived, he had a close encounter with a family relative.

"Williamson." Williamson was the name of my Uncle. He was a fisherman off the Coast and used to take me fishing with him. When I was five. We spent Summers at the old lake. We'd talk for hours, about all types of things such as cars and his wife: 'Samantha.' He loved to talk about her. I don't know why. But, he did.

As he recounted the story, the train he was on came to a sudden halt.

Out of the train, he hops out on both feet. "Williamson, it is you?" Its your favorite nephew, Sneeves! Sneeves lures out his hand to shake his Uncle's. "Uncle, do you remember me?"

Williamson looks on, taking in a short breath. "Do you know what we can do around here, said Sneeves?" Williamson walks to the edge of the train station platform and leers down.

"Those platforms are dangerous, Uncle." Very dangerous, Sneeves said nervously.

Williamson unbuckles his pants and begins to urinate.

"Ahhhh. That feels good," he said. This is the perfect spot too.

"Uncle, you are going to get us in trouble!" Cops could be lurking anywhere. Williamson turns his neck to Sneeves and said: "well done, Sneeves. You've arrived." Just in time too. Listen, before you head off to the school, we will need to train. Said Williamson softly. He grabs Sneeves by the hand and they walk downstairs.

"Look, Uncle, I don't know." Maybe we should just go to the school anyways. If we don't, we could be late to the orientation. I don't want to miss it.

"Oh, orientation you say."

Williamson said: "Well, maybe you should miss it. I mean who goes to those things anyways?" But geeks. Listen, nephew of mine, we are going to go fishing tomorrow. Then, we will begin to train you in your elements. You know elements don't grow on trees? He peers down at Sneeves. Sometimes, elements just come out suddenly in the heat of a duel. If it is in a duel, there will most likely be rules to that game. We cant just have anyone breaking these rules however because it would do a disservice to our Masters and their teachings. Why, they taught us all about the different elements. "Air, Water, Fire and Earth we're the elements that created life or so the tale goes."

The two walk to a yellow taxi cab and enter it. They drive and drive until there was no more people in sight. Suddenly, the car comes to a halt. It stops in front of a lavish home with many cars parked outside the garage. There was a Honda, a Ford, and a Toyota.

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