Chapter One (Teaser)

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The slight buzz of the needle could be heard as Jade inked up her latest client's back. Jade got so much satisfaction from bringing a persons vision to life in the form of a tattoo. A lot of people got tattoos just because and others got tattoos for sentimental reasons. Tupac played in the background as Jade concentrated on coloring of the butterfly.

"You good boo?" Jade asked her.

"I'm good. I'm glad I got high before I came in here. I barely feel shit." Trinity said.

Jade only laughed as she continued to work her magic. She lived for this. Once she left Jade's Ink she would head to Champagnes to bartend. At the age of twenty-three she didn't want or need shit from no nigga and she planned to keep it that way. Jade didn't want to feel obligated to a nigga because he bought something for her or took her out. There were really some simple minded ass niggas out here.

He mother raised her to never to depend on man and she understood why after her father left when she was only two years old. Her mother worked two jobs to make sure Jade had the best and not one time did she beg Jade's father. Now Jade looked out for her mother and made sure didn't want for anything.

Jade made a killing in her tattoo artistry. She also did well as a bartender because she knew how to talk shit to the customers and they would always tip her big. Jade paused when she heard her phone blaring on the shelf. She stood and looked at the screen to see that her best friend, Shamarah was calling.

"Trinity hold for a second." Jade stood to take the call.

"What do you want Marah?"

"Girl who you talking to like that? You just so rude at times." Marah chuckled.

"I'm in the middle of making art come to life. Now what do you want, seriously.

"Are you working tonight?"

"Yes, why?"

"Good because it's somebody I want you to me-"

"Hell no Marah. I do not want to meet any men, so you can cancel that shit quick.

"But Marah he is fine and he has his on restaurant and everything." Marah pouted as if Jade could see her.

Jade loved her friend dearly, but since she had finally moved to Atlanta from Kershaw, South Carolina Marah had been bugging. Jade wasn't a stranger to men by any means she just tried to steer clear of them because the men that she had met were always trying to buy her shit in hopes that she would give up the pussy.

"Look Marah I don't have time for a man right now or later. I'm doing me, which means my work is my nigga." Jade huffed.

"Fine, but yo' old grumpy ass need some dick in your life. All this Miss independent shit ain't gon' make you feel good late at night." Marah pointed out.

"I don't need no damn dick!" Jade yelled, causing Trinity to raise her head.

"Okay if you say so, but me and Kermit know you do. I'm going to let you get back to your work, but one day your whole attitude gon' change."

"Whatever Marah. Talk to you later." She disconnected the call.

Jade pushed her hair back with her forearm and continued inking Trinity up. She shook her head at Marah always thinking she needed a man. Jade was doing just fine and wasn't thinking about a man or getting laid for that matter.


De'Ante Rodgers sat out on his balcony, smoking loud. He was glad to be back in Atlanta after being in LA for a few months. Shit was going good for him and he couldn't wait to open up his other restaurant. He was only twenty-four and he loved creating master-dishes. Food was his life and he loved cooking.

"Babe you coming back inside. I want to go hit up the mall."

"Eboni I been back fa' all of two days and you want let a nigga chill fa' shit. You always want dis' or dat'. How bout you show some signs of being fucking independent. Dat's one of tha' sexiest traits a woman can hold." He took a pull from his blunt and blew out a cloud of smoke.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" Eboni folded her arms.

"You are my fucking problem. All we do is fuck and I give you money like you a paid prostitute or some shit. Eb you twenty-four and don't have a fucking job. Your job consist of you sucking and fucking niggas, including me to get tha' trendiest and most expensive shit." He shook his head in disgust.

"So does that mean we can't go to the mall?"

"Are you slow or something. Are we even in tha' same fucking conversation right na'?" De' Ante stood towering over her.

"Why are you acting like this all of sudden? You come back from LA and now you acting all brand new and shit. What you found a new bitch that you lacing with shit?" Eboni glared at him.

De'Ante ran his hand down his face in frustration. Ebony just didn't fucking get it. "Eboni do me and you both a favor, get yo shit and get tha' fuck out. I'm done with all dis' shit." He walked away leaving Eboni staring after him.


"Yo Ante what's up with you man?" Kevin asked.

"Bruh these females I keep encountering are all tha' fucking same. Man I want something different. This easy pussy for a Louie bag or shoes old as fuck." He shook his head.

"Damn man. I feel you tho. These bitches be on some shit, but check it, not all women like that. There are a few that got their own and want their own. They don't want a nigga fa' shit." Kevin picked up his drink taking a sip.

"Whea' tha' fuck they at? A nigga needs something new in his life." Ante said as he scrolled through his phone.

"They out there man." Kev chuckled.

"Whea' tha' hell is our waitress. I need my round of drinks befo' the show starts." De'Ante looked around.

As he looked around the crowded strip club he caught sight of a brown-skinned beauty at the bar. She had long, jet black hair and she looked to be slim but definitely curvy in the right places. He wanted a closer look. One of the other girls were talking to her and they pointed at De'Ante's table. If luck would have it the beauty came his way.

"Hey fellas." Jade said as she placed their drinks on the table.

"What's good?" Kev said.

De'Ante took a minute to size her up and she was fine as hell. He noticed a couple of tattoos on her side. His eyes caressed her frame and back to her face. After taking one look at her he felt as though she was just like all the other women he had encountered.

"Do you have a problem?" Jade asked with her hand on her hip.

De'Ante smirked and watched her in a calm laid back demeanor. "God gave me eyes ta' look and that's what I'm doing, looking. Is dat' a problem?"

"It is if you are plotting a way to see if you can get in my panties by the end of the night." She replied smartly.

De'Ante wanted to test the waters and see where her head was. "Well, tell me...what would it take fa' me to get in dem' panties by tha' end of tha' night?" He pulled on his chin hair.

Jade laughed lightly and shook her head. "There isn't nothing that you can buy or pay for, for you to get inside these priceless panties. My pussy doesn't have a price tag on, so them lil' bitches you used to paying for I suggest you go find you one." Jade walked with his eyes on her ass.

"Damn who tha' fuck was shawty?" Kev asked.

"I don't know, but she got a jacked up ass attitude." Ante said picking up his drink.

De'Ante took one last look in her direction before turning his head to the stage.

Okay this is just a little teaser until I go deeper into this story. Oh and De'Ante is played by August Alsina. I wanted to switch things up a little bit.

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