Chapter Forty-one

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Jade woke up to read the text that Ante sent her. She looked at it and laid her phone down. She realized that it was morning and she needed to get up and to get her day started. She really didn't want to get out of bed, but she wasn't about to let what was happening stop her from doing what she loved.

She went to her bag pulling out her things so that she could get ready. Jade stripped out of her clothes and padded naked inside the bathroom. She started the shower and made sure that the temperature was right before getting in. She forgot her Dove body wash. Since she was alone she decided to walk out in her naked glory and get her body wash.

She grabbed it, but before she went back in the bathroom she could hear voices near her room. She walked to her door and placed her ear against it. Jade couldn't make out what was being said, but she knew that the male voice anyway. His accent stood out too strong. She figured that he was there for Anessah.

She shook her head and went to get in the shower. Jade just didn't get it. He put her up in a nice hotel and a nice room. Then she thought about the text he sent last night. Shaking her thoughts away she headed for the shower to get her day started. She didn't have time to try and figure out what Ante was going to do.

Jade was showered and dressed. Her hair hung down around her shoulders and the only makeup she had on was nude gloss. Her ripped jeans and tank molded to her body. She felt sexy and beautiful in spite of how she felt on the inside. She had a pair of ten's on her feet and her Rolex. Today Jade was feeling herself.

She grabbed her Louie bag that Ante had bought her along with her keys and phone. Jaded headed out around the corner and ran right into Anessah. Jade rolled her eyes because she didn't want to be bothered with her bobble headed ass. Now when Jade looked at her she wondered what her agenda was. She was back for a reason and it wasn't love.

"Oh hello Jade." Anessah spoke.

"Don't hello me. I'm just going to cut to the chase. What the hell do you want? Why are you hear after all this time?" Jade adjusted the weight of her tote as she stared at her.

"Why do you think?" Anessah smirked.

"I tell you what I think. I think that you are full of shit. You are up to something and right now. Trust me I will find out what you are up to. Be careful because I don't play when it comes to Ante."

"You sound real sure that you will be able to keep him. I mean it's obvious that he still loves me. If he didn't love me he wouldn't have put me up in something this nice and on top of that he was visiting me this morning. In fact he is taking me shopping later, so if I was you I would be careful because you may lose him to me. I was here first. Now have a nice day Jade."

"Oh so you are broke, busted and disgusted with no hope. Tell me do you know what a J-O-B is. Do you know what working hard and making your own money is? I guess not. Just to let you know Ante fucks with real women that are independent and the way it looks you got him now or so you think, but you won't have him for long. Now let that cook, simmer and marinate. Have a nice day!" Jade smiled and walked down the all leaving Anessah staring after her.

She walked to the elevator and pressed the down arrow. Seconds later the door opened and there stood De'Ante looking and smelling good. He was rocking a pair of True Religion jeans and a shirt with a pair of thirteen's on his feet. He was looking at her the same way that she was looking at him. Jade quickly snapped out of her trance when she realized that he was here for Anessah.

"Good Morning Jade."

"Morning." She replied getting on the elevator but frowned when he didn't get off.

Jade ignored him as he watched her. She knew that he should have gotten off the elevator, but she didn't bother to call him on it. She also realized that she hadn't pressed the button for lobby. Jade reached over pressed the button.

"Did you get my text last night?"

"Mhm." Jade replied.

"And you don't have anything to say."


"Dammit Jade!" He yelled pushing her into the elevator wall.

"Negro if you don't let me go we gon' have a few problems in this elevator." She pushed against him.

"You know I love you Jade."

"Do I?" She challenged.

"Don't fucking insult me Jade. You know I love you." He placed both hands on each side of her head.

"Don't fucking insult you! You sound stupid. You insulted me by not telling me about her. You insulted me when you put her up in this nice hotel. You insulted me when you couldn't even look me in the eye and tell me that you didn't love her. You insult me more because you are giving her the time of day. So don't stand her and talk about being insulted!" Her voice cracked, but she willed herself not to cry.

"Jade...baybeh dis' shit is complicated. Jus' gimme time I need to get closure." He caressed her cheek.

"Well you doing the most for someone who just needs closure. Do me a favor and leave me alone until you get your shit all the way straight. I don't trust her ass for one minute and neither should you!"

"Jade she didn't have a place ta' stay. I wasn't gon' leave her ass out."

The doors opened and Jade tried getting around him to get off. He sounded beyond stupid right now. Ante closed the doors and hit the E-stop.

"Nobody didn't send for her ass. She got her ass here without your help and she could have found her somewhere to go!"

"So if you were her you wouldn't want me ta' do tha' same fa' you?"

"Hell no because if I was her I wouldn't have left you ass out. I wouldn't have broken your heart because I see the man that you are. I don't see what you can do for me. The love I have for you runs deeper than any river." Her tears began to fall.

"I can't do this shit right now Ante. You just don't fucking get it! You are giving her power and the power you are giving her is going to ruin us. I love you Ante, God knows I do, but I can't and won't stand around and watch you low key treat her like she your girl." Jade released the E-stop and got off leaving him staring after her.


Anessah's phone rang as she laid across her bed. Jade had really got under her skin. She didn't like the bitch. She had that whole ride and stand up for your man attitude. Anessah was all about the money right now. Sure she still had feelings for Ante, but not to rebuild anything. Once she got all she needed out of him she would be high-tailing back out the A.

"Hey baby." She purred into the phone.

"How are things going?" The voice on the other end asked.

"Good so far. The nigga put me up in the Ritz. He hella paid, but he got this bitch that is more than likely gon' try to get in his head." Anessah sighed.

"Don't sweat her. You just make sure you get all the money you can out of him. We need that money baby. Just don't fuck the nigga."

"You know this pussy belongs to you and only you."

"Good just don't forget that you married and I'm your damn husband."


"Good I love you and keep me posted."

"Will do and I love you too."

She ended the call and knock sounded on her door. She got up and smoothed her maxi dress down. Anessah walked to the door and Ante stood there. He was fine as hell and as bad as she wanted to ride his big dick; she knew that she couldn't because she did have a husband at home.

"You ready ta' go ta' tha' mall?"

"Yeah. Are you okay?"

"Yeah let's just get this shit over with."

Anessah nodded and grabbed her purse. Ante wasn't paying her any attention as they walked towards the elevator. His mind was occupied with Jade.

"Ante something is bothering you. I really wish you would talk to me." She rubbed his arm.

He looked down at her. "Tell me Anessah, why tha' fuck are you really hea.....

Excuse Mistakes!

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