Chapter thirty-four

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Jade woke up shielding her eyes from the bright sunshine. She stretched and the soreness between her thighs reminded of how good the dick was last night. She bit on her lip just thinking about it. When she rolled over she saw that she was in bed alone. Looking at the clock on the nightstand she saw that it was late in the afternoon.

"Damn De'Ante's sex is like a tranquilizer." Jade mumbled.

She ran her hands through her tangled hair wondering where he had gone to. She sighed and got out of bed with a groan from the soreness that she felt. Jade made it into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked someone that had been thoroughly made love to. Jade handled her hygiene and piled her hair on top of her head.

Jade walked out of the bedroom. She took two steps before her mother scared her shitless. "I thought I was going to have to send a search party after you." Janetta smirked.

He fused Jade's cheeks because she knew that her mother probably had heard them last night. Right now she couldn't bear to look at her mother. She was embarrassed.

"So are you feeling?" Jade asked as she took in her mother's appearance. She looked beautiful.

"I'm good. It's still one day at a time for me. I'm just thankful and grateful that things worked out as they did. I really appreciate what De'Ante did for me. He is a good man and I'm glad that he is in your life. Both of our lives." Janetta smiled warmly and pulled her daughter in for a hug.

"Where is De'Ante?" Jade asked her mother.

"Oh he went out to check on his restaurant. You know I had a long talk with him and now I understand why he was so protective over me. My heart goes out to him because he has gone through so much, but God is an awesome God. De'Ante is a survivor and he is still growing stronger every day."

"Yeah he has." Jade grabbed her mother's hand and walked into the kitchen.

Jade grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, twisting the cap. As soon as she took a sip she ended up spitting the water out at her mother's words.

"So how soon should I expect some grandbabies?"

"As of now I'm not sure and we really hadn't talked about it. I mean I do want kids. I'm just not sure about right now." Jade took a seat at the bar.

"If y'all keep making the headboard rock I'm sure that it won't be long before some babies come into play." Janetta teased.

"Momma I am not about to deal with you."

As she let her mother's word sink in she realized that in the last couple weeks she hadn't taken her birth control. With everything going the way that it was she had forgotten. She wasn't worried because she had been on the pill for four years. She had never missed one day up until recently. As Jade had stated she wanted kids, but she wasn't sure about now and then she wasn't sure if De'Ante wanted kids at all.


De'Ante was at the restaurant cooking up a storm. He had been out of the loop with all the shit that was going on. This was where he loved to be...well here and buried deep in Jade's walls. Hell he just loved being with her period. Before he left her this morning he watched her as she slept. Jade was so beautiful and he could imagine her in all her beauty carrying their child.

Never had De'Ante felt the way that he felt about Jade for any other woman. No other woman deserved his love, but Jade did. She was everything that he wanted and then some. He couldn't stop the goofy grin from spreading across his face. He missed her and he couldn't wait to get home and make slow, passionate love to the love of his life.

"Boy where ya head at?" Marah appeared in the kitchen.

"Oh just thinking about my baybeh."

"Y'all cute as fuck. I'm so happy for the both you." Marah clapped.

De'Ante grinned as he finished dicing peppers. "You kno' you and my nigga cute as fuck too."

"Yeah I know." Marah said.

They talked some more as De'Ante finished up with the dishes he was cooking. He decided to take home some food. He filled Styrofoam boxes with food and placed them in bags. He told Marah to hold it down as he walked out. He got in his car and drove home with the biggest and cheesiest smile on his face.

De'Ante let the lyrics of Silk's More take him to another place. His mind went to when her first laid eyes on her at Champagnes.

"Hey fellas." Jade said as she placed their drinks on the table.

"What's good?" Kev said.

De'Ante took a minute to size her up and she was fine as hell. He noticed a couple of tattoos on her side. His eyes caressed her frame and back to her face. After taking one look at her he felt as though she was just like all the other women he had encountered.

"Do you have a problem?" Jade asked with her hand on her hip.

De'Ante smirked and watched her in a calm laid back demeanor. "God gave me eyes ta' look and that's what I'm doing, looking. Is dat' a problem?"

"It is if you are plotting a way to see if you can get in my panties by the end of the night." She replied smartly.

"De'Ante wanted to test the waters and see where her head was. "Well tell me...what would it take fa' me to get in dem' panties by tha' end of tha' night." He pulled on his chin hair.

Jade laughed lightly and shook her head. "There isn't nothing that you can buy or pay for, for you to get inside these priceless panties. My pussy doesn't have a price tag on it, so them lil' bitches you used to paying for, I suggest you go find you one." Jade walked off with his eyes on her ass.

He shook his head at the memory as he pulled into the driveway. He shut the car off and got out. Grabbing the food from the seat he got out and walked inside. It was quiet all through the house and he figured that Jade was lying down. Placing the food on the counter he headed down the hall. He peeped in Janetta's room, but she wasn't there. Ante headed into their room and Jade was on her side watching tv.

De'Ante got in behind her and pulled her into him. She moaned pressing into him. His hand trailed her thigh as he kissed her cheek. "I missed you."

"Did you really?" Jade turned facing him.

"Yeah. You missed me?" He looked down into her gorgeous face.

"I always miss you baby. What did you bring home to eat?" She grinned.

"Some good ole' soul food. Whea' momma at?"

"Oh one of the ladies from her auxiliary came to get her. She is spending the week with her." Jade gave him a sexy look.

"Is dat' right?"

"Yes it's all so right."

De'Ante rubbed his chin in thought as he thought about what he wanted to do. He was going to enjoy making love to Jade. He was going to explore every beautiful inch of her glorious body.

"We still have ta' talk about what went down with Esposito, but she ain't important right now." His hand made its way under her shirt.

"Oh really? Then tell me what is important." She touched his chest.

"You riding my tongue and riding my big dick...."

Okay so y'all know how the next chapter probably going to go. I will try to keep it PG-13. Notice I said try. Oh and the part where he was thinking back wouldn't let me put it in italics.

Excuse Mistakes!

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