Chapter thirty-eight

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Three weeks later....

Everything was back to normal. She had told Ante what Eboni did and he was beyond pissed. She was now back on her grind and was ready for it.

She had such a good time when her and Ante were in LA. In all honesty she didn't want to come back. Her mother was doing good, but from something so traumatic; she still had her days.

As for Kendrick and Eboni they would be locked up for a while, well Kendrick wasn't bound to see daylight. His parents money couldn't help this time because he had rapped more than her mother and that other girl. Come to find out he was doing like it was a common commodity.

Jade looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was ten pm. She had just finished inking a client thirty minutes ago and she was tired. Blu had left an hour ago. Her brother was having issues and Blu was giving nothing, but hell.

Shit was crazy on that end, but things were looking on her end. Jade stood and straightened her area. Once she made sure everything was in its rightful place she set the alarm and headed out.

Jade figured that Ante was closing up shop, so she decided to swing by on the way home. She was so happy with De'Ante and there was nothing as of now that could change that. They had a very open and honest relationship. They kept it one hundred about everything.

Seconds later she pulled up, parking her car. She saw his car there and another car that she had never seen. Jade assumed it was someone doing business. She knew it wasn't Marah or Kevin because they were on a mini vacay.

Jade got out and walked to the door. Normally it would have been locked, but it wasn't. She made her way inside and she heard raised voices. One being Ante's and the other a females. She furrowed her brows and stood in front of the door listening:

"De'Ante I told you I was sorry about what happened, but I wasn't ready for all that extra shit. After being away for some time I got my head on right."

"Anessah I don't give a fuck. You went and had a fucking abortion knowing how bad I wanted to have a baby. I was damn near ready ta' wife your ass up, but you wanted to out here and be young, dumb and free."

"That was a year and half ago. I fucked up. I still love you just as I did then." Anessah walked around his desk leaning over him.

"Listen Anessah, I'm with someone that I love very much, so whatever you think going to happen isn't." He backed away and stood up.

"She's just a replacement. She will never have you the way I did. Ante I know we can get back. I'm not giving up without a fight." She caressed his cheek and he almost leaned into it.

Jade couldn't believe the shit that was being discussed. She felt betrayed because she had told him everything. She left nothing out. Hearing enough she pushed the door open and stared at De'Ante like a raging bull.

"So we keep fucking secrets now?" Jade glared at him.

"Baybeh it ain't li-"

"Shut the fuck up! She spat angrily

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way." Anessah spoke.

"Bitch shut the fuck up. What you come back now because none of the niggas treated you like a queen and you realize now Ante was the best thing for you. Huh is that what it is?"

"You know what fuck this! And De'Ante fuck you! I thought we were better than this, but I guess maybe I was a replacement. At this point I don't know what to think. What I don't understand is why you never mentioned her. Is because you still have feelings for her?" She stared at him.

When she looked in his eyes she saw regret, sorry and she got confirmation on him still having feelings for Anessah.

"Wow! I'm done with this shit. FUCK YOU DE'ANTE!" She turned heading out the door with tears blurring her vision.

"JADE...JADE!" De'Ante yelled after her as he chased her too.

She sped up, but he caught up to her. As soon as he did she turned around and smacked the piss out of him.

"You so fucking bogus for that shit. Stay away from me because obviously you have unfinished business. I guess me and all them other ho's you were spending money on was to get over her." Tears streamed down her face.

"Jade I-"

"Don't you fucking dare! Yeah I heard you say you had somebody that you loved, but you still love her too and deep down you wanna see if y'all can rebuild, so I won't stand in your way."

"Jade please..."

She glared at him and got inside her car. She quickly started and peeled out the parking lot.

Fuck my life and Fuck my broken and shattered heart...

Excuse Mistakes!

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