Chapter Fifty-one

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Jade stared at him not knowing what to say. She saw the regret in his eyes, but how many times would she have to cry and hear sorry. All Jade wanted was to be happy. As of lately happiness wasn't her best friend. She knew that everyday wouldn't be a bed of roses, but damn this was too much.

He caressed her cheek staring in her eyes. De'Ante loved her so much until it had him so fucked up. He had never loved someone the way that he loved Jade. He knew that right now it didn't seem that way to her, but he really and truthfully did love her.

"Jade tell me dat' we can work dis' out. Tell me dat' we can get back ta' tha' place we were, jus' dis time we go stronger and harder. Baybeh I can't lose you although I don't deserve you. I need you jus' like I know you need me." Tears streamed down his face.

He was so mad at himself for hurting her the way he had. In that moment he realized how much he didn't deserve her love. He wasn't worthy of it. God had given him an angel a true soldier just for him and here he was fucking all up. Shit at this point if Jade decided to walk away he could only blame himself.

"De'Ante I'm afraid. You hurt me so bad." She dropped her head trying to get her emotions in check.

He lifted her chin making her look into his eyes. "Lemme make it up ta' you. Lemme show you dat' I'm tha' man I was months ago. Jade I love you. I love the fuck outta you and I....I won't ta' make you my wife. And this baby only brings us closer." He reached down lightly rubbing her stomach.

She moved from his grasp and walked over to the bay window. De'Ante came up behind her and pulled her against him. His long arms wrapped around her middle with his hands splayed across her stomach. She had a small pudge and he smiled. Jade placed her hands on top of his lacing their hands together.

"I love you Jade and I love our unborn."

"I love you too De'Ante, but I can't rush back into this relationship. We need to take our time and learn each other better and no more secrets. Secrets can destroy shit as you can see it almost destroyed us."

"Jade howeva' you want ta' do dis I'm cool. As long as you by my side I'm happy. We can go at any pace you want ta'.

"Okay De'Ante. Now feed your baby mama. I'm hungry." She teased.

"What do you want ta' eat?" He rested his chin on her shoulder.

"What about some of your gumbo?"

"Anythang you want." He kissed her cheek.

Jade went to sit on the white sofa and turned the tv on. She flipped through channels until she stopped on Fresh Prince of Bel-air. She could smell the food in her kitchen and her stomach growled. Jade laughed will as he lip synced And I am telling you.

De'Ante walked in and got comfortable. He pulled her in-between his legs as her back rested against his chest. This was how things were supposed to be. Even though they hadn't got back together, he was at least able to hold her in her arms.

"The food will be ready after while." He whispered against her hair.

"Okay. Can I ask you something?"

"You can ask me anything."

"Why were you so caught up in Anessah. I mean was it because you still loved her?"

De'Ante sighed knowing that she needed answers that he never really gave. In fact the whole thing with Anessah didn't make any sense now that he thought about it.

"Jade when she showed up it brought back memories. Everything came rushing back. I felt like we had something there only because I never got an understanding as to why it ended. I know that sounds fucked up considering I was with you. Now I realize I should have told you about Anessah from the jump, but she didn't matter until she came back here. Jade I'm so fucking sorry fa' treating you the way I did. One thing I can say is that she knew how much you meant to me and how much I love you. That's why she did the shit that she did more because of being jealous of you."

"And believe it or not I was jealous of her because you she had you in a way that had me fearing you were eventually going to tell me you were in love with her and wanted to be with her. Even when you had me feeling like shit I still road for you and wanted to make sure you didn't hurt."

"Well we don't have to worry about her anymore because she isn't pregnant by me. She was already pregnant when she tried to scheme."

"That bitch is fucking evil. To be honest that's why I waited so long to tell you I was pregnant because I didn't want to have to deal with that shit."

"Damn I'm so sorry I put you through all dat' but you don't have ta' worry about dat' shit anymore. From dis' point on it's just me and you. I love you Jade."

"Oh well just know this shit ain't gon' be easy. It ain't like you can just say sorry and I love you; then boom we back on. You are going to have to show me how much I really mean to you and that you love me like you say you do. Actions speak so much louder than words."

"You dead ass huh?"

"Hell yeah! Nigga what you thought this was?"

"Girl I go ta' the moon and back, moving heaven and earth jus' ta' show you how much you mean ta' me and how much I love you."

"We shall see....

***Three Days Later***

Marlon stepped out of his rental car. He looked around at downtown Atlanta and felt like he was going to like it there. He rubbed his bearded chin and thought about the plan he had set in motion. He had all the information that he needed and within the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours he would be sure to get what he wanted....

Things are about to get a little....well just stay tuned!

Excuse Mistakes!

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