Chapter thirty-one

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" what?" Jade turned looking at him.

Ante sighed and loosened his hold on her. He knew that she was going to have a lot of questions. He just wasn't sure if he was going to have all the answers.

"Jade you heard me. I didn't stutter. I said I killed my father. Hell he deserved ta' die. Any man that does shit like that needs ta' be six feet under." He said in a steely tone.

"What exactly did you do?" Jade asked.

"I'm not sure yo ready fa' dat Jade. Just know dat after I killed him, I buried the remains." He said shifting to get up.

Jade looked at him as he walked over to the bed.  He pulled back the cover sand slid into the bed as if shit was normal. Wasn't a damn thing normal about the bomb he dropped. Although Jade didn't blame him. She was just shocked.

"So you not gon tell me what happened?" Jade stood and walked over to the bed.

"Ain't shit ta' tell. I killed him. End of tha' fucking story."

Jade didn't want to push, but she wanted to know. She knew that Ante had a very, very short fuse. After hearing that she already knew shit was about to get real.

She slid into bed and looked over at Ante as he looked up at the ceiling. He was in deep thought. Jade hated that he had to go through everything that he had.

"De'Ante I love you and I want you to know that I will be by your side through it all." She leaned over and pecked his lips.

As she was about to move he caught her wrist and pulled her closer. He needed to feel her close as possible. He wanted to tell her what he did to his bastard of a father, but it was too much right now.

"Jade I want you ta' know that what I did should have me unda' tha' jail."

A eerie feeling washed over Jade. After hearing those words , she wasn't so sure if she wanted to know, but Damn if her curiosity wasn't getting the best of her.

"Was it really that bad?" She asked laying her head on his chest.

"Jade don't say I didn't warn you. It had been a while since I saw my father after my mother was killed. It was like he was hiding. Jayden, my homie found out where he was. As soon as I got the info, I went straight for him." He paused absently rubbing his hand up and down her arm.

"I crept inta' his house which reeked of ass and liquor. There was bottles and beer cans everywhea'. I kicked shit out tha' way. Once I got to the end of the hall I pushed the door to his room open. His eyes widened in fear. He knew he was about to die."


"No lemme finish dis. I didn't say one word as I shot him both knee caps and both hands. I wanted ta' make sure he couldn't move. My last and final shot was right in his dick. His agonizing scream was music to my ears. He understood what it meant to feel unwanted pain. Walking back out I grabbed a gasoline jug that I brought. I poured gas all on his genital area."

"He begged and screamed, but it all went on death ears. All I could hear was the screams of my mother as she begged him ta' stop. I was in a dark place and I just didn't give a fuck. I pulled the book of matches from my pocket. Striking it I threw at him and watched as he burned. Not one time did I flinch. The whole time I smirked knowing he was in agony."

Jade was speechless. Never had she heard anything like this. This was some shit you read about or watched in a movie. De'Ante wasn't one to fuck with and Kendrick was damn sure about find that out real soon.

Jade felt kisses rain down her spine. At first she felt as if she were dreaming until she felt De'Ante's thick erection pressed against her ass. Jade knew they couldn't really go there because her mother was right two rooms down.

"Baby w-we can't."

"Well can if you be fucking quiet." He slid his had between her legs to find her wet.

"Lemme me slide in real quick from tha' side." Ante teased her slick pearl.

"No-ooooh....shit!" Jade said in a whisper as he adjusted her body and slid into her.

"How dis dick feel Jade?" He whispered harshly in her ear as he gave her long, deep stokes.

"Mmmm....shit." That's all she could say as he worked her body into overdrive.

"Damn Jade you like tha' Niagara. Shit be so wet and so fucking juicy." He grunted as her tight walls clamped down on him.

She placed her hand on his as it gripped her hip. She locked their hands together as he thrust into her slow and easy. She bit on her lip to keep from screaming.

"Shit Jade I'm bouta' nut....Fuck!" He whispered as he let go the same time she let go.

He held her as her body trembled. He kissed her shoulder. "You good baybeh?"

She couldn't even form words. The only thing she could do was nod. He pulled out of slowly and got up. Jade looked at him with a satisfied smirk and finally got up.

They showered quickly and headed downstairs. The aroma of bacon filled the air as they made their way down. Once downstairs they were greeted by a smiling Janetta.

"Good morning momma." Jade kissed her cheek.

"Good morning baby. Good morning De'Ante."

"Good morning momma Matthews. How ya feeling?" He asked pulling her into a hug.

"One day at a time. How are you?"

"I'm good." He smiled weakly.

"I know you're not, but I won't push it.  When you want to tell me about it I will be right here."

Jade looked at the tender moment they were having and her heart melted. The connection they had was so real and beautiful. Ante was protective of her and her mother adored him.

Jade's phone vibrated and she saw she had a text from Marah.

Girl I know you got a lot going on, but you need to get to your shop asap. You not gon believe this shit.

Jade looked at the message and had an weird feeling in the pit of her stomach. Something was seriously up and she had to find out what was going on. Just as she was about to tell De'Ante she had to go to her shop his phone went off.

He pulled his phone from his pocket and looked at the screen. As he read the text from Jayden he smiled, but not the happy type smile.

Aye it's bouta go down. Been following him and I got info for you. My boy at the precinct in and you covered. Tonight everything going down. Hit you up after shit is setup.

"Babe is everything okay?"

"Baybeh everything is betta' than okay." He smiled.

Jade and her mother looked at him suspiciously. They both knew that something was up. It was something he wasn't saying. Right now Jade was going to let it go.

"Well listen I gotta go meet Marah at my shop. I will see you in a few. I love you." She pecked his lips a few times before pulling back.

"I love you too and Jade be careful."

"I will. I love you too momma." She hugged her mother.

"I love you too baby."

Jade smiled and rushed out. She was anxious to find out what the hell was going on. First Blu, then Marah. She had a feeling shit was about to get crazy.

De'Ante, what they hell is going on and don't you stand your ass in this kitchen and lie." Janetta said.

"Momma Matthews tonight is your lucky night. Ta'night is all about a deadly revenge, called Janetta's revenge....."

Oh it's about to go down. Didn't get to update like I wanted to because I have been busy today, but I had to give y'all a lil something.

Excuse Mistakes!

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