Chapter Twenty

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Jade was feeling good this morning. She stayed the night with De'Ante and they didn't have sex. He held her close all through the night. It felt amazing and what was even more amazing, she felt like she was falling hard for De'Ante.

After getting dressed and piling her hair atop her head she walked out to find De'Ante need in the kitchen. He looked adorable with his bucket hate on and all black. All his tattoos were on display except for the one on his chest.

He smelled delicious and so did the food he had prepared. Jade walked into the kitchen, wrapping her arms around his waist. Her face pressed against his back, inhaling his scent.

"Good morning babe." Jade smiled as if he could see her face.

"Good mornin' beautiful." He flashed a grin over his shoulder.

"Smells good in here. What are you making?" She asked moving from behind him to stand beside him.

"Steak and cheese omelette, with seasoned home style potatoes and toast. I just whipped up some cinnamon butter for the toast."

"Damn you on it like always." Jade looked at everything and mouth watered.

"You kno' how I does it."

"Yeah and I'm gon' need to be in a gym twenty-four hours eating like that."

"Well dis' gym right hea' open twenty-seven and you can get all tha' workout you need. I promise ta' make you work up a good sweat." He said humping up and down.

"De'Ante you play too much." Jade playfully rolled her eyes.

De'Ante chuckled and finished everything up. He heaped food onto Jade's plate and made her a glass of juice. He took her plate over to her and he went to make his. Once he was done making his plate he came back and took a seat.

Jade grabbed his hand and said a quick blessing over the food. She immediately dug in and moaned in delight.

"Dat good huh?" De'Ante asked forking potatoes up.

"Boy this is A-1. You will never be able to get rid of me. You are so good to me, De'Ante and I thank you for that." She smiled from ear to ear.

"You kno' love taking care of you. A nigga wouldn't have it any other way. Jus' know dat you are greatly appreciated." He winked taking a bite of his omelette.

Jade couldn't stop the flutters in her stomach. De'Ante was the real deal and she was blessed to have a man like him. He showed her what it meant to really take care of someone and have real intentions.

Once they finished eating, Jade grabbed the dishes and begun cleaning up. De'Ante went to the back to get his things before leaving. While he was in the back his doorbell sounded. Jade dried her hands and went to the door.

She opened the door to find the girl from the nail salon standing there. Jade assumed that this was the Eboni chick. Eboni looked her up and down with a stank face.

"Are you lost or something?" Jade asked with arms folded across her chest.

"Apparently you are. What hell are you doing up in De'Ante's house answering his door like you live here?"

Jade smirked about to say something, but De'Ante came up behind her placing his hands at her waist. "Eboni tha' fuck you doing hea'?" He bent and kissed Jade's shoulder.

The jealous rage in Eboni's eyes were deadly. If looks could kill they both would be dead as door knobs. "What the fuck is this De'Ante. You drop me for her?"

"Eboni it's apparent he didn't have much to drop to begin with. Right now you are making yourself look desperate. So do me and De'Ante a favor and leave. He no longer needs you. He has everything and I do mean everything he needs in me."

"Girl you wild but you right tho. Lemme get going and I will see you later. Na' gimme dem lips."

He grabbed Jade's chin and kissed her passionately as Eboni stood looking. He pulled back and rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip. He headed out the door and shook his head at Eboni.

Jade looked at the pathetic puppy one last time before slamming the door in her face. Some women just don't get it. Apparently she needed to buy a clue, but if she did she would have to use someone else's money to do so.


Jade was at her shop about to shut things down. She was tired, but she wasn't too tired to see her baby. She made her way out, making sure everything thing was straight. Once satisfied she made it to her car and pulled out the lot. Subway's Fire was playing as she drove home.

Fifteen minutes later she pulled into the parking garage. Jade got out and headed towards the elevators. She got on and hit the number for her floor. Within seconds she was at her floor and got off.

She remembered that she needed to get some things from her apartment. Jade got to her door and slid the key in lock thinking about the other night. She got chills remembering how intense things got.

She pushed the door open only to freeze upon hearing a voice in the dark.

"Jade it's just me." Kendrick said as Jade flipped the light on.

"It's just's just you! You are fucking crazy! How did you get into my apartment? You know what just get tha fuck out!" Jade yelled grabbing her phone only to find it was dead.


Kendrick stood up and walked over to Jade. "Why are you acting like you don't miss me, miss us. Jade we were so good together." He reached out to touch her but she moved away.

"Jade I'm going crazy without."

She looked at him and tried easing back out the door, but he grabbed her wrist, shutting the door. "Jade don't make shit difficult."

"Kendrick why are you doing this shit. I'm happy and I have someone who in fact lives down the hall, so please just get the hell out!"

"I can't do that Jade. I need you....."


De'Ante was tired as hell. Things got hella crazy at work and all he wanted to do was curl up with Jade. He had been calling her for the last hour and it kept going to voice-mail. He hoped that everything was okay. Hopefully she was at his place waiting for him.

Finally getting home he walked inside to quietness. He looked around for Jade and she wasn't there. The first thing he thought was she maybe ignoring him because of Eboni.

He quickly headed back out and down to her apartment. Since she had given him a key he let himself in only to find some nigga all up on her.

"Jade what tha' fuck?" De'Ante's voice boomed.

"De'Ante it's not wh-"

"Save it Jade. You jus' like tha' next bitch, fake as hell. I'm done with dis shit man.

"DE'ANTE!" Jade cried chasing after him.

She grabbed his arm and he jerked from her. He turned and glared down at her. "Good back in thea' with dat nigga dat fucked ova' you dumb ass. Apparently dat's tha' kinda shit you used ta."

"De'Ante lemme explain! Please!" She cried as he walked down the hall going into his apartment.

People had come out of their apartments watching the scene. Jade was on her knees holding herself as she cried.

Kendrick looked on with a satisfied smirk. His plan was working....

Now I will go back and give you like a flashback of how this plan was set in motion so y'all will understand how he knew where Jade lived and how he went about getting in her apartment.

Excuse Mistakes!

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