Chapter Fifty-six

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After the meal Jade and De'Ante sat on her sofa and watched tv. Her head rested on his shoulder as he arm wrapped tightly around her. His other hand absently rubbed her stomach. Out of nowhere De'Ante felt her body lightly shake and he knew then that she was crying. He lifted her head and looked at her. Grabbing the remote he turned the tv off.

"Baybeh why you crying?" He wiped her tears.

"De'Ante this shit is hard. I don't understand what it is that you want anymore. Hell I don't even know for sure if you really want me or you just going through the motions." She looked at him with so many questions in her eyes.

He held his head down for a second to gather his thoughts as well as his emotions. He loved Jade so much. Now he understood what Kevin meant earlier.

"Jade I want you. I know the way I come off at times it seems like I don't. The whole point of me pushing you away is because I felt like you deserve better. Hell I still do. Seeing the hurt and pain in your eyes from the bullshit that I caused hurt me to the core. If I could take everything back I would to erase the hurt. I love you so fucking much. This shit I feel ain't like nothing ever before."

"Ante all the shit that went down; it really fucked me up bad. Half the time I didn't know if I was going or coming. In spite of the pain you caused, I couldn't stop loving you. The heart knows who it wants. I wanted to hate you and block you out, but that wasn't possible. Even though I was hurt I didn't want to see you hurt behind her. I wasn't concerned about my feelings or me being hurt. I was still all about you when you gave me your ass to kiss." She paused and played with her fingers before continuing to speak.

"I have never loved someone the way that I love you and it caught me by surprise. I didn't know how much I loved you until Anessah appeared."

De'Ante looked at her and couldn't believe the woman before him was all about him. She gave love unselfishly and she was selfless. Jade was the type of woman that men wanted, but never appreciated. He realized it was on that list because he let a meaningless woman almost sabotage what they had. Then as he thought he could have lost her because of greed.

He grabbed her hands and looked into her eyes. "Jade from this day forth I'm all about you our baby. I'm so sorry for all the pain I caused. I want you to help me be a better man and I know that you will because you are a great woman. I'm not perfect and I will make mistakes here and there, but with love, trust, communication, we will make it. Baybeh I want us to be better and stronger than before. This whole ordeal has taught me a lesson and I have a love, respect and appreciate you to the fullest." He caressed her cheek with her placing her hand on top of his.

"I love you De'Ante."

"I love you too and I will always love you baybeh." He pecked her lips repeatedly.

As he pulled back Jade sucked on his bottom lip causing him to take the kiss to another height. He wanted Jade, but he wanted to wait. There wasn't a rush. He wanted to earn her love and trust before anything else. He slowly pulled back and rested his head against her forehead.

"Jade I want you so bad, but I want us to take things slow. I want to rebuild a stronger foundation than before and I want our love to be even stronger."

"I like the sound of that."

The headed upstairs and Jade got in the shower as he got comfortable on her bed. He thanked God for allowing him to find this type of love with Jade. Jade loved unconditionally and she would go above and beyond to make sure everything was okay. He almost lost her, but by the Grace of God he was giving him a chance to get it right.

Jade walked out of the bathroom in some boy shorts and a tank top. Her hair was wet and had curled up. She was so beautiful that it didn't make any sense. De'Ante had stripped down to his black Polo's as he reclined in bed. His eyes roamed her curvy body as he inhaled her scent. She put her hair up in a messy bun and crawled into bed beside him.

He pulled her close. She rested her head on his tatted chest. Jade's had absently rubbed up and down on his stomach as he played in hair. This was the intimacy that he missed most of all. He loved having her close just watching her as she slept. This was what love felt like and looked like. Love wasn't meant to perfect, but through each trial and tribulation you made the best of it because you work at it and fight for it.

"What do you think we are having?" Jade asked breaking the silence.

"I don't know. I feel like it's going to be girl. Honestly as long as the baby is healthy it doesn't matter what we have. I will be thankful." He assured her.

"Jade I'm not trying to rush you, but I want us to be under the same roof."

"So what are you saying?" Jade rose up to look at him.

"I'm saying I either want you to move back home. I'm living in that big ass house and since you have been gone I haven't slept in our bed. I couldn't do it because your weren't there."

Jade bit on her lip as she looked at him. They stared at one another getting lost in each other's eyes. The love was so evident a blind man could see it from afar. After what seemed like forever she finally spoke.

"Okay I will come back home, but what am I supposed to do with this place?"

"Jayden actually is looking for a new spot so...." He trailed off.

Jade couldn't help but laugh because he she had a feeling that he and Jayden had been discussing this little situation. It was all good because she missed being at home with De'Ante. Where De'Ante was that's where home was.


"Wassup baybeh?"

"I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed her forehead and pulled her close.

Love never felt nor looked so good.....

Excuse Mistakes!

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