Chapter Twenty-two

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De'Ante was high and tipsy true enough, but all he could see was Jade's beautiful face. Eboni lifted and reached down trying to pull his dick out, but like a douse of cold water her grabbed her. He pushed him off and she fell awkwardly on her ass.

"Eboni getcho' shit and get tha' fuck out!" He barked at her.

"That bitch really got you twisted if you turning my pussy down." She looked at him as she stood.

"Maybe she do, but you just mad cause a nigga ain't twisted ova' you. Get tha' fuck out!" He grabbed her arm and picked up her coat.

He ushered her to the door and opened it, shoving her out causing her to stumble. He flung the coat at her like she wasn't shit and slammed the door, locking it. He leaned up against the door with his fist balled at his sides. He only wanted Jade, but he knew that he lost his cool only because the way shit looked. He bent his head thinking how fucked up this was.

De'Ante looked at the clock on the far wall and saw that it was a little past midnight. He walked out on the balcony and cleaned everything up. Heading back inside he went to take a shower to get the filth from Eboni off him. As he stood in the shower the water fell upon his body as he held his head under the showerhead. Images of Jade's smiling face crept into his mind. Images of her riding him filled his head. It was all Jade and no matter how angry he was, he couldn't ignore that Jade had captivated his heart.

He asked himself a million questions. What really happened? Did she invite him there? Why was he all up on her? Those questions played over and over in his mind. He washed his body and hopped out grabbing a table to wrap around his waist. He looked in the mirror realizing he didn't look like the happy De'Ante. He looked lost and it was because of Jade Matthews.

He slipped some black b-ball shorts and T-shirt. He knew what he had to do and he knew that it wasn't going to be easy. Jade was hell and she was gon' give him all kinds of hell. He felt bad now that he didn't let her explain, but images can be so deceiving. He slid on his Nike slides and headed down the hall to Jade's apartment.

He didn't know if he should ring the bell or just use the key. Deciding that he would just used the key he walked in and everything was quiet. He looked around and made his way down the hall. Pushing open her door her found Jade on her side facing the window. He walked around on her side to find her eyes open. She sat up and looked at him like he was a ghost.

"What do you want De'Ante?"

"Jade I'm so-"

"De'Ante right now fuck your sorry. Do you know how you made me fucking feel? I tried to explain, but you wouldn't let me get nothing in edge wise. You talked down to me like I was a child, your child and then just left me like you were disgusted by me. How do you think that made me feel?" She looked at me as a tear rolled down her cheek.

De'Ante went to wipe it away, but Jade got up from the bed and stood looking out her window. She heard him shift and knew that he was making his way to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist for a second before she moved from his hold.

"Jade please talk to me." He begged looking helpless.

"Oh now you wanna me to talk and now you wanna fucking listen!" Jade yelled running her hands through her hair in frustration.

"Baybeh tha' way tha' shit looked at me blown. I kno' I shoulda' let you explain, but a nigga was on something else when I seen him all on you." De'Ante stepped to closer to her for to step back.

"You know what Ante this makes me realize that you don't trust me because if you did you wouldn't have looked at the situation with one eye closed. You saw what the fuck you wanted to see therefore you believed what you wanted to believe. Just to let you know though, Kendrick broke into my apartment and was waiting for me when I got home. When you came him and saw my hands at his chest it was to push him off. When I told you the other night that I didn't want him and I wanted you, that's what the hell I meant. I don't say shit I don't mean De'Ante." She shook her head flopping down on the bed.

De'Ante felt stupid. He really felt like an ass. Jade was hurt and he was the culprit behind it. He had to fix this shit and he had to talk to Marah because the way things were looking, Jade wasn't trying to fuck with him right now. "Jade I'm so fucking sorry." He kneeled down in front of her with his hands on her thighs.

"I'm sorry too." She pushed him away and walked out of the bedroom.

"Dammit!" De'Ante yelled aloud in frustration.

He stood and found her in the kitchen. She had just poured her a glass of wine. Jade took slow sips. It wasn't long before she felt De'Ante behind her. He wasn't touching her, but she could feel his body heat. She didn't bother to turn around. She continued to sip from her wine not caring about him standing there.

"Jade." He said softly as he stood behind her with both hands trapping her against the counter.

"De'Ante please just leave." She pleaded as she let her head fall forward.

"Baybeh I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry fa' being an ass and not listening ta' you. What I gotta do Jade? Jus' tell me and I promise I will fucking do it." He breathed huskily in her ear.

Jade dropped the glass of wine as her body trembled with a desire so strong. "De'Ante why are you doing this? Why can't you just leave?" Jade questioned in a desperate tone.

"Jade I'm doing dis shit because I can't leave you alone. I won't leave because my heart won't let me fucking leave. My heart is what led me hea'. Jade all I see is you and I wanna feel is you. You got a nigga fucked up, but in a good way. You doing shit ta' me dat no otha' woman has had tha' power ta' do." He held her at her waist.

"De'Ante...." Jade trailed off not knowing what to say.

"Jade I'm not leaving. I can't leave Jade. Like I told you, you got my heart, baybeh you got me." He turned her around and looked deep in her eyes.

"No, De'Ante." She shook her head.

"Jade I almost did something stupid ta'night, but everywhea' I turned all I saw was your beautiful face. I'm sorry Jade. Please jus' let me make it up ta' you. You deserve it because I was so wrong." He palmed her cheeks looking deep into her eyes.

Jade looked at him and knew right then in there that she was in love with De'Ante Rodgers. That scared her more than anything because it was all happening so fast.

"Jade please don't fight me on dis. You won't win and you kno' why you won't win?" He told her as he rested his head against hers.

"Why?" She asked above a whisper.

"Because Jade....cause Jade I love you......"


Eboni breezed into Kendrick's suite after he opened the door. He looked at he like she was crazy. "What the hell are you doing here. Shouldn't you be somewhere laid up with that nigga? Why the hell are you here?" He questioned as he closed the door.

"Your plan didn't work. He threw me out like I was shit." She flopped down in one of the chairs.

"Apparently your pussy don't work because if it did you wouldn't be here. I paid you to get a simple job done because you were like it was easy as pie, but yet your dumb ass here." Kendrick shook his head as he walked to his minibar.

"Fuck you Kendrick." Eboni yelled at him as she rolled her eyes.

"Trust me I pass." He smirked.

She rolled her eyes. "So what's next?" Eboni asked.

"I don't know, but I will think of something without your help because you can't do shit right. The only thing you know how to do is collect money and spend it."

Things were not going as planned, but somehow and someway Kendrick was going to get Jade back. If had to really play dirty he would. All was supposed to be fair in love and war, but in Kendrick's case it wasn't going to be fair.

Now y'all gone leave me alone. Three updates in one day. I'm out. I love y'all though!

Excuse Mistakes!

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