Chapter twenty-nine

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Two days later

Jade's mother had been released, but they were waiting on De'Ante to come pick them up. It had been a rough couple of weeks, but by the grace of God they were pulling through.

Her mother was healing nicely. It was the emotional and mental scars that had her in a bad way. Jade could kill Kendrick with her bare hands. She had no clue of what he was thinking when he did what he did.

His life was going to change drastically. Jade looked at her mother as she sat looking out window in her hospital room. She was in deep thought and Jade feared where her thoughts were.

"Momma." Jade called out to her.

"Hmm." Her mother answered, but didn't look at her.

Jade immediately walked to where she was sitting. She kneeled down in front of her. "Momma you are not alone. I'm here and De'Ante is here."

"Why would somebody do this to me?!" She yelled as tears streamed down her face.

Jade didn't know what to say. Her heart was broke into a million pieces, seeing her once feisty mother turned into a scared and battered woman. This was too much.

She pulled her mother into her arms and held her as she sobbed into her chest. Tears poured from her eyes. Jade was so busy consoling her mother that she didn't see or hear Ante walk in.

De'Ante stopped short taking in the scene. His heart broke thinking about when he held his mother after being beaten an raped. The pain he felt in that moment was unbearable. He quietly left out the room and stood outside the door.

His emotions got the best of him as tears streamed down his face. He never thought that he would relive this moment in reality. It was bad enough having the horrid memories of the past.

The vibrating of his phone inside his pocket slowly brought him back to a normal place, but barely. Quickly pulling his phone out he swiped answer when he saw it was Jay.

"Wassup Jay?" Ante said clearing his throat.

"Aye you good man?" Jay asked concerned.

"I'm good. You got info for me."

"Yeah I got something, something you ain't gon like."

"Tha' fuck is it?" Ante sighed heavily.

"Kendrick paid the guy in y'all building to let him inside her apartment. Get this bogus bullshit, he posed as her husband."

De'Ante was fuming and he couldn't wait to get his hands on his bitch ass. Kendrick had fucked up and was gon wind up dead. Niggas was gon learn today.

"So what are you going ta' do next?"

"Right as we speak I'm following him. I need to see what moves he makes and who he is dealing with."

Dat's what's up. We-"

"What the fuck?"

"Bruh what's up?"

"Kendrick and Enchilada must be working together."

"Why tha' fuck am I not surprised. Two desperate mothafuckas doing they dirt ta'getha.

"Bruh you ain't lying. Aye check this though, in a couple days I'm gon set some shit up and kidnap his ass. When I do I will hit you up. Oh De, have you told Jade yet?" Jay asked.

"Man it ain't dat simple."

"De as yo boy you need to tell her man. Don't keep something like that from her. Shit don't make get Kev on you."

De'Ante smiled and knew Kev would definitely get on his case. Hell he had already. Shit was just fucked up and he was fucked up by all this.

"I hear ya man , but let me get to my girl and momma Matthews."

A'ight. Hold it down."

He hung up and walked into the room. Jade and her mother were talking, but looked up once he walked in. "Hey baby." Jade spoke with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Hey beautiful. And hey momma." He flashed a crooked grin.

"Hello son." She gave a genuine smile.

"Y'all ready to head out?"

Jade nodded tiredly and helped her mother into her wheelchair.


Jade sat in the back of De'Ante's car while her mother sat up front with him. She watched as they talked and laughed. It felt good to see that because her mother was going through it.

Her phone buzzed indicating she had a text. She looked at the screen to see that it was Blu.

Hey love. When u get a chance hit me up asap. I got something you need to see. It's very important.

Jade was already dealing with a lot. She hoped like hell it wasn't anything crazy. She didn't think she would be able to deal.

Alright. Once I get things settled with my mom I will get at you.

Okay hon. I will continue to pray for you all.

Thank you.

When Jade looked up they were pulling into the driveway of a beautiful home. Her mother's mouth dropped open as she looked back at Jade. She shrugged because she didn't know what else to do.

De'Ante shut the engine off and got out helping them out.

"De'Ante don't tell me this is the house?"

"What are y'all talking about?" Janetta asked.

"Momma Matthews dis is our new home. I gotta keep tha' both of you safe, so I have been working on getting a house for us. I refuse to let anything happen to you or my baybeh."

Janetta in spite of her own pain she could see a feel pain radiating off him. It was something deep and it was hurting him bad. She also felt he knew who may have raped her too.

He ushered them inside and their eyes gaped open the beautiful layout of the home. Ante smiled as he watched their face. He knew he had done good. Everything had been moved there for them, so they didn't have to worry about anything.

Jade smiled and went over to him. She held him close thanking him over and over again as tears slid down her cheeks. He pulled closer and kissed the top of her head.

"De'Ante, Jade."

They turned looked up at her. She didn't say anything right away, but all of sudden blurted out, "Who the hell raped me?......

Oh things are going to real crazy soon. It's coming!

I had a pic in the MM of what the house looked liked, but not sure if it's showing

Excuse Mistakes!

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