Chapter Forty-Nine

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De'Ante was shocked, but most of all pissed to find out that Jade was pregnant. The times that they talked she didn't mention it. He couldn't understand why. He wondered was she going to tell him or keep the baby away from him. Was she going to do him like Anessah? He had so much shit going through his head.

He was on his way to get Anessah to take her to the clinic. At first she was against going, but all of a sudden she was down. If she tried some slick shit it wasn't going to fly. Jayden already had everything set up. Ante's mind was on Jade. He knew where she lived because Marah had no choice, but to tell him. A few minutes later he was pulling up to the hotel where she was staying.

He didn't want to go inside so he called her and told her that he was outside. As he sat there he was still mad about Jade being pregnant and not saying anything. He knew that he fucked up, but damn what she was trying to pull wasn't cool at all. While he was in his thoughts Anessah got in his car.

Ante didn't spare her a glance. He quickly pulled off paying attention to traffic. He could feel her eyes staring a hole in the side of his face. She was in her feelings because De'Ante wasn't given her the time of day. She wanted him all over her like how he was before, but she was crazy as hell if she thought that were going to happen.

Jade was his priority. She should have been his priority all along. If she had none of this shit would be happening. Ten minutes later he was pulling up to the clinic. He parked the car, shutting the engine off. As he was about to get out Anessah grabbed his arm.

"De'Ante I'm sorry." She said softly.

"Whatever Anessah. Let's get this shit over with." He moved from her grasp and got out.

He didn't bother to open the door for her. She had to get out on her own. When she got out she rolled her eyes. They walked inside and she went up to the desk to give them her name. Ante looked behind the window and saw Jayden. He gave him a head nod.

After he had given the lady her info they took a seat. People watched them as they took their seats. He scrolled through his phone not wanting to engage in conversation with Anessah.

"So you are not going to talk to me?"

"We don't have shit ta' talk about." He said while still scrolling through his phone.

"So you really are about to treat me like this knowing I'm caring your baby." She glared at him.

"Anessah I might have been stuck on stupid a couple months ago, but now I'm not. Where the fuck is your husband anyway?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't. I just think you need ta' take your ass back to where he at. You stirring up trouble and getting innocent people caught up cause your husband is obviously a bitch. He gon' wind up getting you hurt, but you know what it serves your stupid ass right."

"Fuck you De'Ante."


"Anessah Collins!" A nurse called her.

She stood and Ante grudgingly got up following her. The nurse walked up back to a room and she asked a series of questions. Anessah answered every one of them. The nurse had her follow her out. De'Ante sat there waiting for this shit to be over and done. He prayed that her sick ass scheme didn't work. If it did he was fucking done. She would forever be fucked up.

A few minutes later Anessah came back in and took a seat across from Ante. She stared at him. "You know I never meant for any of this to happen."

"Anessah shut up. If you didn't mean fa' dis ta' happen then you wouldn't have done tha' shit dat' you did. You fucking evil and don't give a damn who you hurt or ruin. Just because your life fucked up don't be trying ta' fuck up somebody's else's."

"Well looks like I did fuck up your lil' happy home." She smirked.

Before De'Ante thought good he was out of his seat jacking her up. "Anessah I will fucking kill you! Don't try me right na'. My mind ain't all dat' stable."

"L-let me go!"

He let her go and stepped back trying to reign in his temper. All this shit was stressing him out and now knowing Jade is carrying his baby or maybe it ain't his baby. De'Ante was so fucking confused that he didn't know one end to the next. The door opened and the guy that was Jayden's friend walked in.

He was a doctor and he seemed like a cool ass nigga.

"I'm Dr. Campbell and I have the results of Mrs. Collins pregnancy test."

"And like I predicted I'm a little over two months." She smiled thinking she was right.

"No. I'm sorry to inform you that you are three months pregnant actually going into your fourth month. Seems like you calculated wrong. It appears that you were pregnant earlier on." He gave Ante a knowing look.

"No! Take the test again! I'm not that far along. Something has to be off!" She cried.

"No I believe you are off in more ways than one. Now if you need treatment I-"

"Fuck you and your treatment. I'm going elsewhere to have a pregnancy test done. Y'all are full of shit!" She yelled storming out.

Dr. Campbell looked at Ante and shook his head. "You dodged a bullet with that crazy ass woman. She was dead set on having your baby."

"Too bad it didn't work out like she thought. I appreciate you fa' breaking her delusional ass down. She really thought. If it hadn't been fa' Jay man I would have been taken on a rollercoaster ride." He shook his head standing.

"No problem. Watch out for them crazy bitches." Dr. Campbell said walking out the door.

God be looking out fa' a nigga......


"Jade you need anything before I go."

"No momma I'm fine. Thank you though." She smiled with said eyes.

"Baby when are you going to tell De'Ante about the baby?" Her mother asked in a worried tone.

"I was thinking this weekend." She looked at her mother.

"Oh y'all are breaking my heart. I had so much hope for y'all." She said as she grabbed Jade's hand squeezing it.

"Yeah I did too momma. But hey things happens." A tear escaped, rolling down her cheek.

"You know what I'm just going to stay here with you. I don't want you here alone and depressed." Her mother said.

"No momma I will be fine. I didn't buy you that house just to never be in it." She forced a smile wiping her eyes.

Her mother looked at her and her heart ached seeing Jade this way. Love hurts especially when you love a person to the core and they hurt you. The sad part is even when they hurt you to almost the point of no return, you still love them.

Jade loved De'Ante with everything in her. Even when he didn't have a clue that he was hurting her and breaking her down, she still loved him. Love isn't something you take lightly. And Jade didn't especially when it came to De'Ante.

"Okay baby, but if you need me just call me okay." She pulled her daughter into a hug.

"Okay momma. I love you and thank you for always being there for me."

"Oh baby I will always love and be here for you as long as God allows. Now you get some rest and don't be getting my grandbaby hyped." She smiled.

"I won't. Be careful."

"I will."

Jade sat there in silence as she looked around her spacious living room. She was lonely and missed De'Ante like crazy. It was still hard because of how shit went down. She knew that she couldn't just jump right back in. She was afraid of risking it all again only to lose again. Sighing deeply she curled up on the sofa to take a nap.

As soon as she closed her eyes her doorbell rang. She frowned because it couldn't be but a select few people. She got up mumbling curse words along the way. Not bothering to look out the peephole she opened the door getting the shock of her life.


Excuse Mistakes!

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