Chapter thirty

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"One of y'all better start talking. I deserve to know so don't try to coddle me." Janetta glared at them both as they looked at each other.

Tears streamed down Jade's face because it hurt to have to tell her mother that it was her ex. It hurt even more because she was going to have to tell her mother that Kendrick did it because of her. Shit was so fucked up. De'Ante pulled Jade closer as her body trembled.


"Dammit Jade do-oh god." She paused as memories of that night came back.

"Don't' fucking scream or this will end your life right now." A rough male voice said behind her.

"He was so rough with me and he said some shit that stuck with me." Janetta shook her head as she slowly walked around the counter.

"I wonder if you are as good as your pretty little daughter...."

Janetta froze and shook her head as tears streamed down her face. She knew exactly who raped her. She knew who had fucked up her mental and emotional state. What she didn't understand is why and what the hell was he doing in Atlanta. As if a light bulb came on she knew why as soon as she met eyes with her daughter.

"It was Kendrick. It was fucking Kendrick!" She flung the bowl filled with plastic apples across the floor.

Jade jumped and De'Ante closed his eyes as his mind went in circles. He was barely holding on seeing this scene unfold. Shit was too real and too raw for him. He stepped away from Jade to got console Janetta. He remembered doing this with his mother and he was barely twelve years old.

Jade looked on as her mother slid down against the counter and sobbed. She was about to make her way over to her mother, but De'Ante stopped her. "Jade let me handle this."

She didn't say anything she just looked at him strangely. Something wasn't adding up with how attached he was with her mother. Jade knew now wasn't the time. She watched as De'Ante slid down beside her. He didn't say anything as she fell into his arms crying. He didn't have to say anything because he knew that all she need was the comfort.

De'Ante let his own tears leak as his mind. This shit was eating him alive, yet he didn't talk about when he should. Without opening his eyes he knew that Jade was watching the scene unfold. His mind went back to one of those nights when his father came home and he saw his mother being taken advantage of.

Jade kneeled down and touched both her mother and De'Ante. They all were hurting and broken and most of all Janetta was, but something had De'Ante shattered and whatever it was it was deep. No words were ever said as they consoled each other.


Jade watched her mother as she slept. After the emotional tide that broke lose Jade felt the need to be close to her mother. She felt so guilty because she felt it was her fault. This shit wouldn't have happen it hadn't been for her. All this was because of her. She never knew that Kendrick was this evil. She ran her hands through her hair as she looked at her mother one last time before walking out.

Tomorrow they were going to the police station. Her mother was ready to talk and it was time to do so. De'Ante had a friend named Jayden had a friend on the force. He would set everything up and they all would go from there. She sighed as she thought about how distant De'Ante had become. Something was bothering him, but he wasn't talking. That worried and concerned her.

Taking a deep breath, she made it inside their room. She found Ante standing in nothing but some white ball shorts. He was looking out into the night in deep thought. "De'Ante." She called out softly.

"Jade I don't want ta' talk about it." He said not even turning around.

"Baby it's obvious whatever is bothering you is eating you alive. You need to talk to about it. That's what I'm here for. You have been my support system. Now it's time for you to let me be yours." She walked up behind him.

"Jade, please just leave it alone." He said as he posted his hand against the wall while bending his head.

Jade sighed and touched his back. "De'Ante please don't shut me out like this. It hurts that you feel you can't talk to me."

He turned and looked down into her beautiful face as the moonlight shone through the window. The love and care was so evident in her beautiful eyes. He reached out and caressed her cheek. Jade placed her hand atop of his as she looked up into his eyes. They held so much pain and sadness.

"You kno' I love you so much Jade. You mean so much ta' me." He pulled her close and held her tight. She wrapped her arms tightly around him.

"And you know I love you too. I'm here for you just as you are for me. You just have to be willing to let me in." She pulled back looking into his eyes.

De'Ante sighed and pulled her over to the chaise lounge in their room. He sat down lying back as he pulled Jade in-between his legs. She rested her back against her chest. His arms were wrapped securely around her. They sat in silence not saying anything and finally he spoke.

"My momma was my pride and joy. She always called me her little love bug." He said with a smile in his voice.

"Aw you and your mother were close like my mother and I."

"Yeah and what your mother is going through is all so real to me."

"What do you mean baby?"

"My mother was beaten and raped by my father. He would get so drunk and come home acting like a drunken maniac. This went on all the time. The last and final time that he did it, I walked in on the whole thing and it fucked me up so bad. I tried fighting him off her, but he was much too strong fa' me. Hearing her cries and pleas fucked with me bad." He had begun to cry.

Jade turned and wrapped her arms around him. Her own tears mingled with his. This was all too much for her. It was all too much for the both of them. "Baby I'm so sorry. Now I understand the connection that you two have."

"Jade I promise you dat' nigga gon' suffer. I just can't grasp the concept a man feeling some sort of power from shit this sadistic. It's crazy as fuck how a man can feel power or control from doing this, sadly they do."

Jade saw the anger and evil glare as he spoke those words. She knew that Kendrick had just walked into a fiery furnace and he wouldn't come out alive. He didn't deserve to.

"What's more fucked up about it is that he killed her trying to chase her down. He had been drinking that night of the car accident. My father was a crazed man and he had deep issues that I never understood."

"Uh so where is your father now?" Jade asked.

For a long moment he didn't say anything. He just stared at the wall. De'Ante wasn't sure if he wanted to tell Jade about where his father was. He was afraid of how she may react, but he had told her this much. He figured he might as well tell her the rest.

"Jade the bastard is dead."

"What happened to him?"

"I killed him....."

Get prepared for some crazy events. Things about to get real in the next few chapters. Expect a couple of updates tomorrow. You gon' see how devious and deadly De'Ante really is. And Momma Matthews....well just stay tuned.

Excuse Mistakes!

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