Chapter Forty

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Jade slid down into the floor against her room door. She brought her knees up to her chest as she cried. She couldn't believe that this shit was even happening. All she wanted was it to be a bad dream that she could wake up from. What she would never understand is why he wasn't man enough to tell her. There was nothing that she could do because it was his past.

Now is past was trying to be his present and looked like his future too. All she wanted to do was talk to her best friend, but she was enjoying her time with Kevin. That was something that her and Ante could be doing right now, but he is confused as hell and she wanted no parts of it. Jade got up off the floor and went to lay in the bed. This shit was going to be hard because she was so used to having De'Ante close to her, but at this point she didn't think that would be happening.

As she laid there she wondered what the hell he was doing here with her. Then again she really didn't want to know. That was their fucked up shit that she just so happened to get caught in. She grabbed her phone and started looking at pictures of when her and De'Ante had taken some on random occasions. She touched the screen and smiled at the silly faces that they made into the camera. How can happiness be here one minute and the next it's gone. Jade just didn't understand.

She knew that every relationship had it's obstacle, but his right here was too damn much. Jade rolled over and called her mother to let her know that she had gotten there safe. She didn't bother to go into detail about what just occurred. Her mother probably would raise the roof. Her eyes got heavy and she felt sleep pulling her in. Before long she was in a much needed sleep.


De'Ante pulled into his driveway and sat there. He couldn't believe that Anessah was back and he sure as hell couldn't believe how he was fucking up with Jade. Why was he still holding on to Anessah? He was just so damn confused by it all and what didn't make sense he she hurt him, but yet he still loved her. He sighed and got out the car. Ante hoped that her mother was asleep because if not she was going to get in his ass.

He walked up to the door and slid the lock in the door. As soon as he shut the door behind him he heard movement and he knew what time it was.

"De'Ante Rodgers, sit your ass down now! I wanna talk to you." Janetta glared her him.

"Momma I-"

"Boy don't you momma me. You know you messed up and you did so royally. You need to get your shit together. I don't like getting in y'all young folks business, but this shit you got going on ain't good. How in the hell could you not tell her about that girl you had planned a life with? Do you not understand how that makes her feel or how any woman would feel?"

"Say something dammit!" Janetta hit the counter causing Ante to jump.

"I blocked her out with all the women I messed around with. They helped numb the pain of her the empty space that she left."

"So did Jade fill a void too. Is this shit all a game to you De'Ante. You can't play with a woman's feelings like that. Women will snap on you and you won't know what hit you."

"Momma Janetta I love Jade. I'm just confused."

"Well if you love her so much why the hell you not showing her that. I see that you still have deep feelings for this other girl, but before you try to resolve anything with Jade you need to handle that excess baggage because it's not fair to her. Tell me how would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot?" She rose her brow staring at him.

"Just as I thought. Don't let this woman come back in a play on your emotions because you may very well lose the one that really and truthfully loves you above all else. Know what real love is and what it feels like. Once you do you will appreciate it."

"Another thing the devil is all about confusion. You wasn't confused until that she-devil came back. She figured you hadn't moved on, but was surprised once she found you had. That girl knows you love someone else. Just as Jade can see the love for your ex, your ex can see the love in your eyes for Jade. Don't let her play you again."

"Well I guess I better tell you what I just did before Jade tells you."

"Oh lord. Boy what have you done?"

De'Ante went on to explain him getting Anessah a room and running into Jade. He didn't leave anything out. He felt like such a fool.

"De'Ante I love you, but you have got to be kidding me? Why would you put this woman up in a penthouse suite. She got her grown ass her on her own. She simply could have paid for her somewhere to stay. You giving this woman too much power and the more power you give her the more she is going to suck you mentally and emotionally dry. Not to mention financially." Janetta shook her head not believing this was even happening.

De'Ante stood and hugged Janetta. He walked into his room and Jade's scent was everywhere. Her face was etched in his mind. Seeing her infectious smile. Jade didn't deserve any of what was going on. She was a good woman, too good for him at this rate.

He grabbed his phone and sent her text.

Jade I know you don't wanna here this sorry shit, but I really am. This caught me by surprise. I love you baby. I don't want you to feel like I played you. I know I should have mentioned it to you, but I blocked her out because she didn't matter. I went through random chicks just to get over her, but you were not a random. I really fell hard for you. Now I'm sitting here fucked up mentally because I hurt you and that was never my intentions. We really need to talk, but I know you need time to grasp this. Baby I'm so fucking sorry. I love you Jade Matthews and I can't and won't stop......

Man I love y'all asses for real, but to these fools that keep saying fucking update when seconds after I have are getting on my nerves. If that's all you got to say in the comments section please don't say anything. That's annoying as hell and it shows you are inconsiderate as hell.

Excuse Mistakes!

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