Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1:

"Thank you come again" the cashier lady says as I pick up my grocery bags.
"Thanks" I say and head out the automatic doors.

I turn right and start walking to my apartment. If only my car was working, I sigh and continue walking.
Mid November and it already feels freezing cold. I shiver as the Wind blows straight through my clothes.

I still have one mile left to go.

Maybe I could find a short cut.
I stop halfway down the street and look in every direction, turning around slowly, and looking at the empty streets. I see a dark alley about ten feet to my right and head to it.
I shrug, what do I got to lose?

I slowly walk in and find it pitch black.
Great just great, I'm about to turn around when I see a light at the end of it. I squint and see that they're street lamps. That's probably where my apartment is. I smile and start waking down the alley.

That's when I hear murmurs.
"Delicious" I hear someone hiss out.
I turn around and find no one.
I keep walking and hear someone say "now" and that's when I'm thrown against a wall.
"Ah!" I scream, dropping my grocery bags. I look up and see a man with dark curly hair.
His eyes glowing red and his incisors peeking out from under his lip.

He runs his hand down my cheek, and breathes in heavily.
"Your blood smells good" he murmurs.
I wiggle in his grasp "let me go, let me go!" I scream.

He covers my mouth, and whispers "shh, shh. Now I would stop if I were you. Unless you wish to die now."
He says with a smirk. And that makes me freeze. "Good Girl." he says.

Wait a minute. Teeth+ Blood.+Killer=
VAMPIRE. Oh my Gosh, he'a vampire!
My eyes widen, and I look into his glowing eyes.

He smirks reading my thoughts.
Oh right, he can read every thing I think. I block his access to my mind and smirk when I see him frown.
"H-how come I can't read your mind?
You can't block my access, only vampires can do that, and you are not a vampire." he says looking confused.

I shrugged, like I would ever tell him my secret.

Then a guy pops up next to him making me jump. "Max, let's take her to Lord Cameron. There's something off about her blood. He would want to see her" the man says.

The guy holding me frowns "can't I just a have a little taste" he says inching towards my neck.
"No" the man says strictly.

The so called 'Max' frowns and pulls away. "Fine".
He grabs a thin piece of cloth and ties it over my eyes while the other man ties my arms and legs together.
"Yes take me to your Lord, so he can watch me kill each and every one of you" I say venom dripping from every word. I hear them laugh and Max say "like a human could actually kill a vampire" laughing again and ties a cloth around my mouth.
Oh if only they knew. If only they knew.

I feel myself being thrown into a car.
After a couple moments I feel the car lurch forward and we're off.

I begin to feel light headed and that's when I realize there is some sort of fume in this rag. My last thought before darkness consumes me is: Their kind will pay for the pain they've caused me.


First chapter! hope you guys liked it.
I'm not very good with first chapters but please vote comment or share!
Thank you readers!

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