Chapter 20:

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I'm sorry:(


I've been taking way too long to update.

I guess I'm just not that into the story right now.

That's why this chapter is short...

Please no hateful comments.

I got 4! Hateful ones on a different update that made me want to cry.

Thankfully I deleted that a/n...

Just want to let you know that I love you guys.
Even the ones who don't like my story yet continue to read it:|



-Clarissa's Pov-


Isn't that how everyone describes what it's like behind your eyelids?

Well it's true.

It felt like I was just floating-not standing.

I tried to look around but I had no idea where I was.

Was I even in a place?

Am I dead?

Laughter erupts from every direction and I flinch.

But this laughter isn't cold and heartless like my fathers, it's happy and soft.

Suddenly a candle lights to my right.

I turn my head and see a silhouette in the dark.

Before I can ask anything I fall and hit something hard.

I groan and rub my head while pushing on-what seems to be concrete- to stand up.

"Sorry about that" someone says behind me.

I whip around and see a candle glowing on an older lady's face.

"W-who are you?" I stutter.

She laughs again taking a couple steps forward.

"I'm the Creator, but you may call me Melissa" she speaks kindly.

The creator?!

Oh my.

I Instantly bow my head to her.

The creator was the one who created Werwolfs, vampires, and even me.

"Crea- Melissa I must apologize I didn't know" I quickly say .

"Nonsense! I wouldn't expect you to.
Seeing as you've never met me" she smiles.

"Now Clarissa, I think we should talk"
She says.

"Yes I think we should too" i say following her.

She leads me to a circular table that seemed to appear out of no where.

I pull out the chair and sit down, as she does as well.

"Clarissa. When you were younger your mother told you your destiny correct?" she asks placing the candle at the center of the table.

"Yes" I reply.

"She told you that you'd battle your father and die shortly after.
You knew you would die, yes?"

I simply nod my head.

"Where am I ?" I ask after a moment of silence.

Looking around all I can still see is darkness.

"This is the place where life and death meet" she whispers to me as if it were a secret.

"So I somehow just walk into death?" I ask confused.

"Yes, pretty much" she replies nodding her head.

"But I don't want you dead" she says.

I turn my head so fast I might have gotten whiplash.

"What?" I ask making sure I heard her correctly.

"I. Dont. Want. You. Dead" she repeats slowly.

"B-but why?" I ask confusion flooding my mind.

"Because your mate needs you.
I mean at least let the boy meet you." she says laughing humorously.

"But I've already met my soulmate.
Aspen" I tell her trying to remind her if him.

She stops laughing and looks at me confused for a second, then shocked, then recognition lights her face.

"You don't know do you?"

"Know what?" I question worriedly.

"Clarissa" Melissa starts while taking my hands in hers.

I stare at her.

"Aspen isn't your mate"

And that's when my while world comes crashing down.

*ending there would be super mean so heres a little more*

"W-what do you mean A-Aspen isn't my mate?" I ask shakily.

"Honey, Aspen was never your true mate. All those feelings you had, they were an illusion from me." she says.

"I thought you knew" she says frowning.

"Thought I knew!? thought I knew that what I thought was love was all fake!" I shout making her frown deepen.

"Clarissa do not shout at me. I have given you life and I can take it away" she threatens.

I scoff.

"I don't care. Take my life away, I thought it already was gone. Theres nothing else I need to live for." I say crossing my arms.

A/n sorry but just had to say "omg you go Clarissa!"

"Yes Nathan needs you" Melissa says to me.

For some odd reason that name sends a shiver down my spine.

"Who's Nathan?" I ask slowly.

Melissa smiles like she knows all my thoughts feelings and future.
Which she probably does.

"Your mate" she happily states.

"Now go meet your Prince Charming"
She tells me clapping her hands together.

"Melissa" I warn but she's already becoming blurry and wind starts whooshing around me.

I close my eyes tightly as the tornado like wind pick me up.

Before I know it my surroundings change, and its silent.

I open my eyes only to be net with wood.

I look around and notice I'm in a casket.

Oh my god.

Okay that freaky.

The casket starts to move and my back presses farther into the bottom of it.

Almost as if the casket was digging itself out.

When it stops moving I wait a minute.

Then use my powers to rip off the top of the casket.

I see blue skies and sunshine(as cheesy as that sounds)

I crawl out if the wooden box and stand up.

"Well, cross that off my bucket list"


So I'm gonna try to upload earlier next time:)

And yeah hope u like.


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