Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

When my eyes finally open I stare at a grey concrete ceiling. Where am I?
I slowly lift myself off of the ground and look around me. Im in a cell, that's in the shape of a square. And all I see is grey concrete. Except for the metal bars that are at the front of the cell. This is exactly like a jail cell.

I start to walk up to the bars but stop as I hear quiet sobs. I whip around and see a little girl curled up in the corner of the cell. Oh wow, I didn't even see her, that's how tiny she was.

I slowly walk up to her, "hi" I say softly. She looks up and gasps smashing herself farther into the wall.
"Please don't hurt me" she says as tears fall freely down her face.
"It's okay Im not going to hurt you"
I tell her, and I use one of my special abilities to let her know that.
It's a pretty cool power, its like a beam that radiates off of me making everyone around me feel safe and protected.

She stops crying and stands up.
She only comes up to my mid thighs, and I can see scrapes on her legs when I look down. Who hurt this little girl? because when I find who did, they're dead.

She walks up close to me and looks up.
"Your not gonna hurt me?" She asks pronouncing each word carefully.
I nod and smile at her, and to my relief she smiles back.

"My name is Cattidy" she says.

I stare at her confused for a moment until I realize that her name is Cassidy, she just couldn't pronounce it. I smile and squat down next to her.
"My names is Clarissa, and I'm gonna to protect you okay?" I ask her.
She looks at me with happiness and jumps into my arms. I laugh and quickly wrap my arms around her.

For some strange reason I feel the need to protect Cassidy and make sure she's happy. Very strange.
I set her back down and grab her tiny hand and lead her to the wall, and we both sit down.

"So Cassidy how old are you?" I ask her. She leans into me, her shoulder touching my elbow, and her legs reaching my knees.
"I'm... this many" she says holding up four fingers. I smile and stare at her more intently.
Her soft baby-like features match her light blue eyes. And her white, straight hair falls just below her shoulder.
"How odd are you?" she asks me.
I laugh at her mispronunciation
"Im eighteen years old" I tell her and she smiles up at me.

Cassidy and I talked for hours and asked each other questions. And we became so close, that if someone were to see us they'd think we'd known each other for years.

I learned that Cassidy was kidnapped from her parents, but she doesn't know why. I also found out that she is a Human. And I told her a little bit about my past not much though.

Night comes quickly and the temperature seems to drop ten degrees. I watch as Cassidy shivers and wraps her arms around herself.

"Hey Cassidy" I say.
She looks up at me, "come here" I tell her. She stands up and walk over to me. I gently pull her down and take off my sweatshirt.

I pull it over her head and wrap it.
I then put my arms around her small body, and pull her closer to me.
She immediately snuggles into me, and I smile down at her. She yawns, and her eyes droop.
I place a kiss on the crown of her head
Then say "goodnight Cass"
And what she says in return shocks me,

"Goodnight Mommy" she says.


Sorry not very interesting chapter or long one. It more of a filler.
I just wanted you to meet Cassidy:)


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