Chapter 18: The Battle

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Chapter 18: The Battle

Clarissa POV

I walk out onto the field with all of the fighters.

10 minutes until Jonathan will be here.


"Attention everyone!" I shout standing in front of them all.

"Your not here today to fight for me! Im not even here to fight for myself! We're all here to fight for the safety of the the super naturals. Jonathan has killed thousands of your kind, and hundreds of werewolves. Killing him will bring peace." I shout, cheers following after.

I smile.

"Good! now why don't you all stretch and loosen up. I can feel your stiffness from a mile away!" I yell laughing slightly at the end.

Someone taps me on the shoulder from behind and I turn around.

"Oh, hey Aspen" I greet him.

He look at his feet nervously, "hey" he replies back.

"What's up?" I ask after a moment of silence.

He looks up at me and says "well I- I wanted to show you something"

"Okay, but it'll have to be quick" I say before he latches his arm around my waist, leading me to the woods.

We walk further into the forest and Aspen continues to lead me past different trees and plants.

Soon we reach a small area that's shielded with trees and vines.
Aspen quickly pushes away the vines and tugs me in after him.

Once my eyes adjust to the scenery around me I gasp.

Sitting in the middle of a vibrant green grass is a small pond area.

But as you step closer the water shimmers like crystals are just below.
And lily pads cover the top holding pretty white flowers.

I turn around and grin at Aspen.

"This is beautiful" I whisper.

He smiles at me nervously.
"Really? I was afraid you wouldn't like it" he says.

"Non-sense! this place is like a fairytale" I smile at him.

The feeling around us changes and Suddenly it's like it's just me and Aspen, nothing else.
Nothing else matters, not even the battle that should start any minute.

All my attention is directed to his two beautiful eyes that I never noticed were golden with red specks.

Aspen took a step closer to me and soon he was only inches away from me.

He reached out his hand and took the side of my face in it.

He gently caressed my cheek with his calloused thumb as he stared into my eyes.

Soon he started leaning in and he pressed his lips firmly yet gently on my forehead.

He dragged his lips down and kissed between my eyes, causing sparks to vibrate through my body.

Then he pecked the tip of my nose.

When I thought he would press his pale pink lips into mine he moved them below and kissed my chin lovingly.

He pulled back for a moment and looked into my eyes one last time before his lips came crashing down onto mine.

Instead of the tiny sparks and shocks I got when he would slightly touch me i got fireworks.

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