Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

Aspen's POV:

Every night my father, mother, and close friends would all gather in the dining room.
We would all have our meal together and talk to one another.

It was no different tonight.
We all gathered around and sat down at the old wooden table.
My father and mother had still not entered so I talked to my best friend Max across the table while we waited.

Finally my parents walked in holding hands, and we all stood up and bowed our heads.

"Please be seated" my fathers voice spoke out, and everyone sat down.

Meals were brought out and we began to eat. Conversations were past back and forth across the tables as we finished.

I set my napkin down next to me and was about to ask my dad if I could be excused but something stopped me; a voice .

"Hey! stop!" I heard Mark; my dads best friend, shout.

I looked at him and then let my eyes look where his were, and when they did my mouth fell open.

There standing was the most beautiful girl...person.. thing...I had ever seen.
She had dark brown hair that fell just below her chest, and very pretty blue eyes. I couldn't stop staring at her, she was breathtaking.

And I barely heard anything she said, just random bits and pieces. All I wanted to do was run up to her and kiss the living day lights out of her. So I stood up, or so I thought. I stared down confused, then looked up to my father.

"Father why can't I get out if my seat?" I asked him.
But he didn't answer, instead the mystery girl looked at me, making my cold heart skip a beat.
And answered "very good question. Why can't any of you get out of your seats?"

It seemed like she already knew the answer to her own question by the tone of her voice.

I try and try again to get out of my seat and fail.

This is almost impossible, no one can... control a vampire.
No body is that powerful.

Finally I give up and stop struggling.
I look and see the mystery girl set down a little girl that I just realized she was carrying.

The little girl starts to cry and clings to her leg. The mystery girl bends down and starts speaking to her.

I use my vampire hearing to listen in.

"Hey it's okay" she whispers, in an angelic voice. Then kisses her forehead
"Why don't you go sit right over three and mommy will join you" she says to the little girl.

I stiffen, she's a mommy. That means that she... that someone... grr .. someone touched her.
Wait why am I so angry about that she isn't mine to claim.

I go back to listening to what she says.

"I'm Clarissa Taylor" and I stop listening after that.

Clarissa. Clarissa. Clarissa. Clarissa.
Her name sends shivers down my spine.

I smile at her, I take a deep breathe through my nose and frown. She's a human.

A weak, pathetic human. How disappointing.

She continues to talk and I listen to all the reasons why she hates vampires, each one probably being a fair reason to hate us. But each one chipping off a piece of my heart.

I watch as max asks her a question and she whips her head in his direction and smiles.
"Max, always a pleasure to see my
kidnapper" and he stiffens at her words. Wait.. what does she mean by kidnapper, I turn to max and glare daggers at him.

Then I see a frown replace her beautiful smile.
"That's Is not an answer I will give to you, but I .."
She's cut off by a high pitched scream making me look in the direction of the noise.

I see Caleb, Marks son standing there holding a knife to the little girls throat.
That's when Clarissa starts running at Caleb.
And suddenly I can get out of my seat and so can everyone else. I hear Clarissa threatening Caleb.

A couple of my dads friends run to Clarissa and tackle her to the ground. I hear her scream in pain, and that breaks my heart.

Shes pulled up off the ground and turned to face us.
Blood drips from her head, down the side if her face, but she look like she couldn't care less.
I take a step forward about to reach for her, but I'm pushed back to my fathers side.

"Take he to the memory room, I want to review her memories" my father tells the men holding Clarissa.

I watch as her eyes widen and she starts screaming and pleading.
Making my knees seem weak, for some reason.
They drag her out if the room, and all I can hear is her screams echoing off the walls, wrapping around me.

My breathing picks up and I become angry.

My eyes flash red and my fangs extend. I turn to my father getting ready to throw him across the room then smash him into a wall.

But something holds me back, my hands are still mid air and I'm fighting with myself.
Finally I turn around and throw a glass vase into a wall.
I turn to my dad but as soon as I see him I see Clarissa crying, which refuels my anger. I let out a frustrated scream, and connect my fist with the stone wall.

It goes straight through and I pull it out covered in dust.
I brush off my hand and turn around.
My fathers face is a mixture of shock and anger.
In the blink of an eye he's in front of me and pinning me to the wall.
"What. Is.Wrong.With.You.!" my father growls out. "You never lose control" he says in a lighter tone, but not loosening his grip on the collar of my shirt. I glare at him.

"Cameron!" my mother shrieks running over to us and prying my dad off of me.
My dad looks at her and his eyes soften. "What?" he asks.
"Can't you see it?" she asks pointing at me.

Mt father looks from my mom to me, then back to my mom and shakes his head no.

"Clarissa is his beloved"
My mother whispers.
My fathers eyes immediately flash with realization.

"Wait, shes my beloved.?" I ask.
My mother smiles and nods "yes. Your father and I must have not told you much about how you would feel when you saw her. Only what a beloved is."
She says,and I nod.

"No I will not have it! My sons beloved will not be a pathetic human! We will find someone else for you, end of discussion" my father says stalking out of the room.

I watch as my dad leaves, and my heart brakes.
"Aspen," my mother says placing a hand on my shoulder.
"No. Its fine, how hard can it be to ignore the bond" I say trying to smile at her but failing.

I walk out of the room and head for the Memories room.

This better not end badly, I think to myself.


Thanks.... hmm what should I call you guys???
Well I'll think of a name for you all.
If you have any ideas... comment!:)


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