Chapter 11:

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Chapter 11:


That's all I saw when I looked around me, but a voice seemed to be everywhere.

"You see you aren't strong enough. You can barely save one person. What makes you think you can defeat me?"
I heard Jonathan say.

"I don't think I can Defeat you, I know I can. I may be less powerful than you, but I am definitely smarter." I say back.

Cold Laughter fills the air ( not sure if that's possible)

I turn and try and find HIM but its still pitch black.

"You should have joined me, but no, you had to be the good little girl you were and turn to controlling yourself.
I didn't control, I let it all out.
And see how powerful I am now." he says icily.

"Jonathan you saw me. I almost did lose control. But you know what? I thought about my mother. Do you remember her? I hope you do.
I remembered her words about peace and control. And that helped me." I say harshly to him.

"You will regret this Clarissa." Is all he says before I shoot up from unconsciousness sweating.

I then feel the pain inside my chest and scream.

I hold my hand to my Chest and breathe in deep shaky breathes.

"Ahh" I scream out of clenched teeth.

I forgot about how painful this was.

I hear loud footsteps down the hall outside of my room and turn to the door.
I watch the door fly off its hinges and onto the floor.

I look over and see Aspen and Cameron standing there.

"Your okay" Aspen says rushing to my side.

I look up at his relieved face and shake my head no, still clutching my chest.

"Why- what do you need to do?" he asks placing a hand on my arm.

"H-h-hand me a knife" I say shakily.

Aspen hesitates,

"Now Aspen!, I really would like to live to tomorrow!' I shout but a small smile is on my lips.

He hands me the knife.

I start to cut a slits in my left hand, right arm, and left knee.

"What are you doing!?" Aspen shouts.

"Aspen please listen to me. I need you to take me to a bath tub, fill it with water and set me in there."
I tell him quickly.

He nods and picks me up while running out the door without hesitation.

We reach his room quickly and he sets me on the counter in his bathroom.

He rushes over to the bath tub and turns the nozzle so water gushes out.

The bath tub reaches halfway and Aspen picks me up setting me in there, With clothes still on.

As soon as the water consumes me, my blood starts to change the color of the water.

I sigh in relief as the pain washes away.

I close my eyes and take deep breathes.

I didn't notice the hand on my cheek until it started lightly rubbing up and down.

I open my eyes to see Aspen staring at me with concern.

I smile lightly before remembering that I can't have this world. I can't have a caring soul mate. I can't have someone to chase off the nightmare that is my life. I just can't have it.

I push away his hand and get out of the bath.

I grab a towel and wrap it around my clothes.

I turn around and see Aspen staring at me with sadness in his eyes.

What? what did I do wrong?
I shake my head clearing my thoughts.

"Do you think you could get me some dry clothes?" I ask him, starting to shiver.

"Yeah," he says placing hand on my back and leading me to his room.

Once we reach there he goes into his closet while I take a look around his room.

It's pretty boring, and dark.
There are no pictures or colors.

"Here you go" I turn around and take the clothes from Aspen, nodding him a thanks.

I walk into the bathroom and throw on the tank top and blue jeans.
Wait,.. why does Aspen have girls
Clothes in his closet?

I walk out the door and see him laying on his bed with his arms behind his head.

I walk over to him and cross my arms over my chest.

"Why do you have girls' clothes in your closet?" I ask him.

He laughs nervously,
"Umm,.. well I- I... what!? I dated other girls, its not like I waited, I mean come on you probably have dated, kissed and had sex with other guys too" he pretty much shouts looking angry.

This time I laugh , but humorlessly
I shake my head and look away from him.

"No, I've never dated anyone"
I say coldly.

"I have been raped though. Forced to do things I didn't want to do." I say.

It happened a lot.
Packs of mythical creatures would capture me.
They would try to take my powers away from me so they could use them for themselves.
And then when they realized they couldn't, they found my weakness' and made me a slave until I could escape.

I look back at Aspen to see him shaking with anger.

He stands up flipping the black night stand by his bed over.
I watch as it goes crashing to the ground and Aspen kicks it repetitively.

"Aspen stop" I say softly.
But he doesn't he takes his anger out onto it.

He says between kicks.

"Aspen stop!" I scream at him.

I march over to him and place a hand on his shoulder.

He freezes, and just stands there for a moment.

Then when he turns around I see tears falling down his cheeks.

I place my hand on his cheek and wipe away his tears.

". I should've looked for you. I should've protected you. I should've been there." he cries and places his head on my shoulder.

I place my left hand on the back of his head and my right one on his back.

"It's fine really, I'm alive. And... happy." I say not sure of what the word 'happy' really means.

He takes his head off my shoulder and looks at me.

He wipes away the remaining tears and becomes serious again.

He grabs my hand and starts pulling me out the door.

"Where are we going?" I ask pulling my arm.

"To see my mother" he says seriously.

Geez, one moment he crying and all sappy. The next he's serious and cold.

This is why I don't think I could be with him.

Also because of the danger I would cause everyone.

He leads me down multiple hallways until we reach a huge door.

He knocks twice and I hear a faint 'come in'.

Aspen opens the door and pulls me in with him.

Suddenly I'm engulfed in a hug.
I look up confused, and that's when I see Cameron's brown hair.

I pat his back awkwardly, I was never good at hugs.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Cameron says, and that when I notice he's crying.

I shrug and gently push him off of me.

"It was my fault she almost died, the least I could do was save her." I say to him.

I look over and see The woman I saved laying in a bed connected to machines.

"She hasn't woken up yet" cameron says walking over to the left side of the bed.

"She will" I whisper to myself.

I walk over to the right side of the bed.
I sit down and take her hand in mine.

I close my eyes and enter hers.

There she is sitting in an empty room, behind a desk, with her eyes closed.

"Hello" I say.

She opens her eyes and stares at me.

"A-am I dead?" she asks.

"No, but you almost were." I say walking over and sitting in front if her.


"What your name?" I ask ignoring her last question.

"Cecelia" she says.

I smile.

"Well Cecilia I am Clarissa, your sons soulmate or beloved. But I am more than that. Do you remember The Powers family? A man a woman, four children, containing of 2 girls and 2 boys." I ask.

She nods her head.

"Yes I remember them quiet well actually. It's tragic they all died in that fire." she says seeming sad.
I stand up pounding my fist into the wooden desk that's was in front of the both of us.

"It was no fire that killed that family!
It was your kind, Vampires! They killed the most powerful people in the world! they were power hungry! " I shout at her .

And she bows her head in respect.

I sit back down in my chair.
She looks up at me with awe and curiousness.
"Who are you?" she asks.

"I am Clarissa Powers, the chosen one." I say to her, letting my eyes switch to glowing blue.


Okay guys I was seriously going to right way more, but then I was like this is getting too long.
So here it is.

Since you all were being so great I decided to give you an early chapter.

I might still update Sunday too.

No promises.

Anyways COMMENT how you liked this chapter please!

And VOTE!!!!



Thank you!


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