Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I know I should believe Melissa when she said Aspen wasn't my soul mate, but I just couldn't.

I couldn't go off on someone's word.
I had to see it for myself, and hopefully Melissa will understand.

I trudged through the woods following my instincts to the palace.

After I had walked through the trees and bushes I finally reached the palace filed.

My eyes scanned over everything.
It was all the same, except for the slightly crumbling stone at the top.

How long have I been gone?

I shake my head of that thought and take a deep breath.

For the first time in a while I'm truly scared.

I wasn't scared when the battle with my father came. Okay maybe a little.

But this was full on sweating and goosebumps.

I quickly shook off all my thoughts and feelings and just took large strides forward.

As I reached the door I took one last deep breathe before lifting my shaky hand and knocking three times.

It took a minute before I heard footsteps approaching the door.

My stomach dropped down to the floor as I saw Aspen standing there In all his glory.

He looked up and met my eyes with his.

"Can I help you?" he asks me.

"A-Aspen?" I stutter.

He looks at me more intently before recognition lights his face and he replies.


His face pales and he takes a step away from the door.

"Your d-dead" he says confusion and fear lacing his tone.

"I was but then the creator gave me a second chance" I say with a small smile.

"Honey, who's at the door?" a female voice asks from a different room.

Soon I hear the clicking if heels and see a tall blond headed girl walk up behind Aspen.

"This- this is Clarissa. Remember I told you about her?" he says while I can see beads of sweat gathering on his forehead.

The woman looks shocked before fear lights up her face as well.

"I thought you were dead" she states, stepping a little bit behind Aspen.

I start feeling a little pain in my heart but quickly shut it out and go back to my care free attitude.

"It seems that's the question of the day isn't it? Let me run things over again.
The creator gave me a second chance to live so here I am." I state.

I then look into Aspens eyes

"Just like I promised"

Guilt floods his face as he tries to look anywhere but me.

"Now, who are you?" I ask a little harshly to the blond.

"I'm Sara, Aspens Fiancée" she says proudly.

I stare at the two of them shocked.

He replaced me.

He actually replaced me.

"Clarissa listen-" Aspen starts but I cut him off.

"Shut up Aspen" I mumble.

"No Clarissa you see I-" he tries again

"Shut the hell up Aspen!" I shout.

He reaches out and grabs onto my arm.


His touch, is nothingness.

No sparkle.

No tingles.

I stare angrily at Aspen.

Maybe I'm not angry at Aspen but I'm sure as hell angry at the universe right now.

"Just give me my daughter Aspen"
I demand him slowly, ripping my arm out of his grip.

"Now!" I shout.

He scurries away to go get Cassidy.

While me and his so called fiancée wait at the door.

She tries looking anywhere but me and I can sense that.

"I hope you and Aspen have a wonderful life. Two cold hearted people deserve each other" I growl out.

' You know we could them' a voice whispers in my head.

I shake my head confused at who just talked to me.

But no I could never wish a curse on even the worst of people.

Soon Aspen comes back holding a little girls hand.

"But Mr. Aspen I thought you said I couldn't leave my room unless I needed food" she says.

"Shh shh" Aspen begs her to be quiet.

"Cassidy?" I question with tears in my eyes.

She looks up and observes me before tears well up in her eyes and fall down her cheeks.

"Mommy!" she shouts running into my open arms.

I lift her up off the ground and pull her tight to me.

"Oh Cassidy" I whisper as tears fall freely down my cheeks.

"You did come back mommy. I always knew you would" she says as she buries her head in my neck.

I come back to reality when Aspen clears his throat.

I move Cassidy to my hip and glare at him.

"So you have Cassidy back now you-"
Aspen starts but I finish for him.

"Now I can go"

"I'm sorry Clarissa, but I've found my love you should go find yours" he states pulling Sara into him.

I smile a little at the happiness in Aspens eyes.

"Okay Aspen. Okay" I whisper before walking off and into the woods.

"Are you okay mommy?" Cassidy asks me, while placing a hand on my cheek.

"Yes baby, I'm good" I tell her placing a kiss on her forehead.

I smile at her before continuing to trudge through the forest.

*A few hours later*

I had switched Cassidy onto my back and started jogging a few miles back.

I had no idea of where I was going.

It just seemed that my feet were carrying me.

After another while longer I decided to rest.

"Hey Cassidy, why don't you go put your feet in that creek to relax."
I stated breathlessly.

She nodded her head and climbed down from me.

I watched as she walked away behind the tree. Before I could turn around I heard the click of a gun locking.

"Don't move"


Sorry guys this was supposed to be up yesterday but I was busy packing.

I'm out of town right now so this us completely UNEDITED.

so tell me how u liked it by commenting below please!

Love y'all!


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