Chapter 10:

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Chapter 10:

@***ASPEN'S POV***@


We all get into a fighting stance and wait for the Werewolf's to come and attack.

But what I don't expect to see is-


But what I don't expect to see is werewolf's in every direction.
Surrounding us.
But there's not just tens, there are hundreds. All looking vicious and heartless.

They slowly get closer to us and I hear growls come out of their mouths.

"Everyone split up and attack!" my father shouts.

I immediately tell 10 people to follow me and we go and attack 5 rouges.

I run at one and tackle it to the ground but it flips me over, baring its teeth at me. I Kick him off of me and use my super speed to get behind him.

He seems to have known that because he jerks backwards and faces me.
Growling lowly.

I go to reach for his neck but he slips away and grabs my leg pulling me down.

I stand up using my strength to pick him up and throw him against a tree.
But he just shakes it off and comes back.

What is with these werewolf's?!
Why can't I kill them!?

I look around me and see everyone is in the Same position as I am.

We can't defeat them, we can't defeat them. I repeat that over and over in my head.

It feel like everything is going in slow motion as I look at the vampires around me. All of them fangs
extended, eyes blood red, and trying their hardest.

The Slow motion brakes as I hear a scream pierce the air.
Its not short either, it holds out until it starts to fade. I look around frantically.

Until I find a werwolf with my mother neck in its mouth. His teeth digging into her skin.

"Mom" I whisper.
He killed her.

And that's when I really realize that we can't defeat these Werewolf's.

I stand there frozen, giving up.
I'm a failure. To my mother, to my father, to these vampires.

But most of all to my soul mate.
I just hope she is safe.

"Stop!!!!!" someone shouts so loud that I'm pretty sure you could've heard it from a mile away.

I turn and look at Clarissa standing there in the middle of everything.

Everyone for some strange reason does stop.

I feel like I need to bow to her because of the power radiating off of her.

She starts walking forward.
The werewolf's part and some growl at her.

She turns to them an glares so hard at them that I think they knew to back off.

The werewolf's all part so she is led straight to a tall lean man.

I can see Clarissa stiffen as she walks with her arms behind her back to him.

She reaches him and starts to talk in a loud whisper, but I don't think anyone could make out what they are saying.

After about three minutes she turns around her eyes glowing a bright blue making me jump in surprise.

The man watches her leave before he as well turns around, walking in the opposite direction. And the werewolf rouges follow him like he's the leader.

Clarissa walks back into the middle of the field and just stands there looking at all of us.

Okay three words,


~Clarissa's POV~

I thought of a plan.
Well not really a plan.

I leave Cassidy here with one of the woman.
Then I just leave and get out to that battle before everyone is dead.

Yeah, that's pretty much it.

I know he is out there.
And I'm not fighting today.
But soon.

I'm just here to stop this and make a deal with him.

I find a woman in a room next to mine and she agrees to watching Cassidy.

I run through the hallways as fast as I can. And of course I run into vampire guards.

I stop close my eyes and imagine vampires, battle,the field.
And I'm teleported there.

As I open my eyes the sight in front of me is terrible.

Dead vampires, or dying vampires are everywhere. And that's when I see how many Werewolf's there are.

I hear a loud scream and look over to see Aspens mother pretty much killed by a werwolf.

I look over at him and see his broken face. I caused this, I made all these people die.

"Stop!!!" I shout loudly.

Everyone obeys and looks at me.

I straighten up clasping my hands behind my back as I walk forward.

The Werwolfs part, some growling, which I only returned with glares.

When all the Werwolfs are out of my way,
I see him standing there with an evil smile on his face. He looks much older now. Older than 50 that's for sure. I only got glimpses of him when I ran.

I slowly walk up to him.

"Hello Jonathan" I say nodding to him.

He smiles making me shiver.

"Clarissa, when I said I would find you and kill you I thought you would take that seriously." He speaks menacingly.

I nod my head.

"Yes, I did take you seriously.
And I know you won't kill me here, right now. Because I know you want me to die in the most painful way."

He nods like it just an everyday thing.

"That's why I've brought a deal" I start,

"In exactly one week, you come back here.. alone. You and I will fight to the death. No person, vampire, werwolf, angel or any other thing can help you or I. If that happens that person getting help dies. I won't run this time.
Lets end this." I say holding out my hand.

He stares down at my hand thinking for a moment. Before his evil grin spreads across his face.

He grabbed my hand and the knife out of his pocket, slicing open his and I's hands. He then presses both our hands together so our blood will mix.

"It's a deal, a promise" he says.

I nod one last time before turning my back to him and walking back to the middle of all the vampires.

I stare at all of them.

I'll eventually have to tell them about my powers, just maybe not right this second.

I start to walk inside the castle quickly trying to avoid people.

But apparently that doesn't happen since Aspen grabs my arm turning me around so my eyes look to the left of the field.

My eyes land on his mother.

I smile sadly at Aspen, them I move some hair away from his forehead and place a soft kiss there.

Woah when did I get so comfortable around him. Weird.

I glance one last time at him before I
make my way to his mom.

I see,
Three vampires one being a doctor the other two being Cameron and some other guy around Aspens mom.

Cameron is on the ground crying over his wife as the doctor checks for a heart beat, but shakes his head no.

Cameron breaks into another sob.

I stare down at all of them.

I clear my throat and they all look up at me.

"What do you want!?" Cameron spits out at me.

I breath heavily.

"Move out of the way" I say strictly.

Cameron moves out of the way by the tone of my voice.

I sit down in front of his wife and feel her forehead, I then press my hand into her chest where her heart is.

"Someone hand me a knife" I say, and the doctor places a knife in my hand.

"Don't hurt her" Cameron growls as he places himself over his wife.

"Trust me it will only hurt me not her" I tell him.

I look at the knife then Up at Aspen who just joined us.

"I'll explain everything when I wake up" I say to Cameron and Aspen.

I cut my left hand open making blood ooze out. I rub the blood all over her neck since that's where she was bitten.

"If I don't wake up in 24 hours re-open this cut" I say pointing at the cut I just opened up.

"Wait what are you-" I cut Aspen off

"Like I said I'll explain later, I hope it isn't to late"

I place both of my hands over her heart.

"This Is really going to hurt" I say before pouring all my strength and energy through my hands.

I let out a strained scream, but continue. I push even harder pouring more of my energy into her.

"What are you doing Clarissa? Stop, your hurting yourself" Cameron says.

I shake my head and continue.

I push one last time pouring the rest of my energy and life into her.

And that's when I feel her start to breathe.

I smile and fall back On the ground losing consciousness.

The last thing I hear is the happiness in Cameron and Aspens voice as they both say

"Your Alive"


OMG this is so long!
Probably my longest chapter!
Ugh it took forever Thats why I didn't update on Sunday so sorry:(

So Clarissa saved Aspens mom and she made a deal with 'Jonathan'

Okay so she apparently has had a past with Jonathan.

And just to be clear there is no love interest between Clarissa and him!
That gross he's like 50 if you skipped that part! Anyways I know it's a little strange with the whole powers thing.

Anyways thanks for reading!

I will update hopefully this Sunday!:)





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