Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3;

I stare down at Cassidy, shocked.
She called me Mommy, I smile.
She thinks of me as a mommy.
I mean, I know she has a mommy but she might not see her for a while, if ever. These vampires could have killed her family.

That makes me frown. Who could be so heartless and sick to kill a little girls family. Oh ya that's right these stupid vampires.

Wait... what if they're going to kill Cass. I start to panic, I can't let that happen.
I need to get her out of here, soon.
My grip tightens around her and I pull her even closer to me.
There is no way I'm letting her out of my arms, let alone sight.

I look around thinking someone could pop out of no where and take her from me. But obviously no one does.

I relax back into the wall and look back down at Cassidy.

White strands of hair fall across her face, and I brush them away.

Tomorrow morning we escape.




I wake up early and see Cass already up. But the strange part is she is sitting on my lap and tracing her index finger all over my face.

I smile at her through half closed eyes.
"Good morning Cass" I say.
She smiles and drops her hand.
"Morning Mommy" she says back, as I grin at her.

"What are you doing?" I ask curiously.
"I'm tacing your face" she answers.

I smile at her "hey Cassidy."
She looks up at me.

"We're going to get out of here. No more cell" I tell her and Clap happily.
She stands up and starts clapping as well, then bounces all over the place.
Making me laugh.

I stand up and brush off the dirt that covers my jeans.

"Now Cass. Please don't be afraid" I tell her with pleading eyes. The last thing I want is for Cassidy to be afraid of me.

I turn toward the cell bars.

I put both my hands in the air, and my feet shoulder width apart.
I close my eyes and take a deep breathe through my nose, then let it escape out my mouth.

I re-open my eyes and can tell they are the glowing blue I've come to see when I use my main powers.

I focus on the door made of bars in front if me.

Then will all my strength I throw my hands forward, pushing air.
Which makes the door fly off its hinges and fall with a clatter.

I hear clapping behind me and turn around to see Cassidy staring at me with adoration and amazement.

She runs up to me and jumps, and luckily I catch her just in time.

"Your a superhero!" she exclaims.
I laugh and shake my head "no baby girl I'm far from a superhero" I say.

I walk out of the tiny 'jail' cell and step over the fallen door.

I quickly look in each direction, making sure there are no guards.
And there aren't.

I keep walking down the Long narrow hall until I hear voices.
I put my fingers to my lips and gesture for Cass to be quiet.

She understands and nods.
I continue walking towards the voices and enter a large dining room.
I see seven men and four woman seated at the large table.

They still don't notice me so I continue to walk towards them.

"Hey! stop!" one guy shouts looking at me. He's about to stand up but I make all the vampires... um well technically.. I glue there butts to there seats but I'm really just mind controlling. Its hard to do, I mean you think about controlling eleven vampires.

I focus and walk up to them.
I smile and nod.
"Good evening to you all" I say glaring at them.
"Father why can't I get out of my seat?" I hear a very might I say sexy voice say to my left.
I look over and see just what I expected a very sexy guy, trying to get out of his seat.

I see the older man he was talking to about to answer but I beat him to it
"Very good question. Why can't any of you stand up from your seats?"
I slowly walk around the table with Cassidy still on my hip, her head laid gently on my shoulder as she hides away in fear.

I watch as all the vampires try over and over again but fail each time to get up.

I set Cassidy on the ground but she clings to my leg as tears start to pour out of her eyes.
"Hey it's okay" I whisper to her an kiss her forehead.
"Why don't you go sit right over there. And mommy will come and join you?"
I ask her. She smiles through her tears and nods, walking over to the chair I pointed at.

I turn back to the table to see everyone staring at me.
I clear my throat.

"Now. Lets begin shall we."
I start.

"My name is Clarissa Taylor.
I will not tell you who my family is.
I will not tell you where I live.
I will not tell you many things.
So listen to the information I will give you." I tell then in a strict voice.

I walk around the table to wear the young sexy man I saw talking to his father was. Everyone's eyes follow me.

"I strongly dislike vampires"
I say.

Everyone stiffens "why?" a woman calls out.

I turn and look in her direction.
I walk up to her and grab the coco-cola can in front of her.
"Example number 1" I say and dump the liquid on the table .
Blood pours out of the can, all over the table.

I drop the can to the ground and walk back to the head of the table where the older man sits.
I open his mouth to reveal vangs.
And then let him shut it as he glares daggers at me. I smirk at him "example number 2".

Then I point to Cass "example number 3" and then I point to myself "example number 4" I say quietly.

"What do you mean your an example?!" someone shouts to my right. I turn my head to the right and see Max the man who kidnapped me.
I smile "Max. Always a pleasure to see my kidnapper" I see him stiffen.

I smile again. Then a frown takes its place on my face.
"That is not an answer I will give to you, but I .." suddenly a scream pierces the air and I turn around to see a man holding Cassidy.
"Mommy!" she screams.
"Cassidy!" I scream running to her and totally forgetting about the 11 vampire behind me.
"Take one more step and I'll kill her!" the man says holding up a knife to Cassidy's throat.
"I swear if I see one drop of blood come out of her, your gonna wish you were never born!" I spit at him.
He laughs humorlessly.
Im about to launch at him but I'm tackled to the ground by two people.
I scream out in pain as my face connects with the stone floor.

I'm pulled up off the ground and roughly shoved into hand cuffs by two men.

I see all the vampires standing in front of me some with smirks and some with glares.

I feel blood run down the side of my head but I ignore it. The sexy guy I still don't know the name of takes a step forward and almost.. reaches for me? but his father pushes him back to his side.

"Take her to the memory room I want to review her memories." the old man says. Which I have come to know as their leader.

My eyes widen "No! Please No! No!" I scream and tears fall down my face.
I push and pull and try to get out if their grasps, and finally the hands around my wrist are let go because of my pulling.

I use my feet and push myself away from them. But I'm not fast enough.
This time four men come at me, and pull me up.

Tears blur my vision as they drag me to a room, and I'm still screaming.
But I stop when I hear glass shattering and shouting in the dining room.


Sorry I took a little while.
Thank you so much for reading my book. Im so happy you like it!
I really want to get a lot of reads on this so please vote, comment, and share!:)

Sorry if there isn't enough description or some parts you didn't like, hey I didn't like some parts I wrote either.

Lord Aspen in the beginning I changed his name to Lord Cameron and he is the older man; the leader.
Aspen Is his son, yes the sexy guy Clarissa saw. You'll be seeing his POV in the next chapter.
Thank you again!


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