Chapter 5:

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Chapter 5:

(Clarissa's POV)

I'm pulled into a dimmed room and dragged to the back wall.
There I see chains hooked to the wall.

They clamp the metal cuffs over my wrist and let me fall to the ground.
I stand up and start pulling on them but only get about a foot away from the wall.

I sit there for five minutes until three figures walk into the room.
I turn my head and stare at them.

One woman, a man, and a younger man. They all stand in front of me, each one with different emotions.
The older man stands in the middle and the only emotion I see on his face is disgust. The woman though, looks sorry. And the younger mans eyes are.. blank, showing of no emotion.

The man in the middle clears his throat. "I am Lord Cameron, leader of these vampires" he states.

"Really, I couldn't tell" I say sarcastically.
He glares at me.

"May I ask miss... Taylor, what it is your doing here?" he asks me.

"You tell me. I was kidnapped.
Trust me I really would rather be at my apartment, instead of around you filthy creatures."

Lord Cameron steps forward and grabs my throat with his cold hands.
"And why would you think we are filthy creatures? hmm? you don't seem surprised to be around vampires?"
He asks.
I don't answer him instead I just stare into his eyes with a blank face.

"Fine, dont tell me. We'll just find out for ourselves" he says letting go of my throat so I can breathe properly.
He heads to the front of the small room and turns on something, a screen rolls down from the ceiling and starts to glow. Lord Cameron walks over to me and puts one patch connected to a wire on the left side of my forehead, then one on my right.

"Now lets take a look at your memories shall we" he says walking up to the front of the room and pressing a button. The screen is fuzzy for a moment but them starts showing my memories.

I watch as my two year old self runs across my old home lawn laughing happily. I was wearing a light yellow sundress and chasing my older brother, Chase, who was much faster than I was.

Then it skips to when I was four and holding my new baby sister in my arms, Maddie, she had the chubbiest cheeks. Then it skips to a couple months later when I was with Chase and my other brother Will.
We were all playing at the park.

The video jumps again this time a lot farther. It was when I was eight
My mother and I were sitting in bed watching a movie. We were laughing so hard, it may seem like a boring memory but its the happiest memory I have of my mother.
I also watch as I develop into an older girl through the years.
I smile as I watch my self eat my 10th birthday cake with friends.

But I start to sweat as I think of one memory on my 10th year of living.

My mother was running around frantically until she found me.
She quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me to my bedroom.
"Mommy what's wrong?" I asked her.
She sat me on my bed and placed her hand in mine.
"Clarissa your not normal, your not human." she whispered.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Our family is different. We all have Special powers. We are powerful. Actually, More than powerful.
We can control vampires, werewolf's, and other powerful creatures" she says.
"You said they weren't real" I say taking my hands away from hers.
"I know but they are."

That was all she told me that day.
But it's still a memory I would like to keep to myself. I don't want these vampires finding out I have powers.
Too many people already know.

Thankfully the memory machine does skip that memory and goes to when I was 12. It zooms through three more years, nothing much really happening just me learning how to use my powers, which didn't show on screen.
Each time the screen doesn't show my powers I think 'thank goodness!'.

Then my sixteenth year comes.
The saddest year of my life.

On the screen I watch as my house is attacked by too Many vampires to count. We were all taken away and blind folded. Our weakness.
Yes a blind fold can pretty much keep us from using our powers. Crazy right?
The reason is because we have to be able to see to use our powers.
And have our hands free.
Which they didn't allow us to do since they tied rope all the way up my family and I's arms.

I watch the screen with tears running down my eyes, because I know what's coming.

We were all taken into this room that had at least 200 vampires in it.
They took the blind folds off but didn't untie our hands.
I watched as they first took my little sister Maddie up to the stage. They brought her down to her knees, and right before they they stabbed a sword through her myself now, and myself then both screamed


I watched as Maddie fell to the floor and died. Maddie, poor, sweet, and innocent Maddie. Dead.

Cheers erupted from the vampires on the screen, and tears poured out of my eyes.

The chains still hooked around my wrist kept clanking against Metal because I was pulling on them and letting out screams of pain and cries of sadness. Maddie meant everything to me, and watching her die all over again felt like a knife to my heart

But the pain wasn't over they brought my mother up to the tiny stage.
My sixteen-year old self screamed
"No! Mommy! no!" and of course that didn't do anything.
I watched as they stabbed her through the stomach and she let out a scream then died. Again, cheers came from each vampire and I saw smiles on there faces.

They shoved both my brothers up to the stage and they made sure to never let go of them.Again, they went down on there knees and right when the sword hit both of them the screen flicked off.

And right when it did I screamed.
Two of the seven vampires in the room came and undid the chains.

I fell to the floor and stayed there on my hands and knees. Shaking and sweating. Tears poured out of my eyes and I couldn't stop them.

I kept hearing the cheers and screams of my family mashed together.
It wasn't a good mix, and it kept getting louder and louder.

I was so stiff I couldn't move from my position on the floor.
Watching that, made me feel so queazy I think I might throw up.

These people are sick! They made me see my past, the one I tried so hard to escape.

And now I feel broken all over again.

The pain, the crying, the screaming, my dead family members on screen.
It was all too much I couldn't handle it, I dropped to the floor and allowed darkness to take over.


So I decided to end the chapter there.
Sorry for the sad chapter:(
I just wanted you to see how her past is. Though you didn't see her father killed.... remember that;)
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