Chapter 19:

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Chapter 19:

Aspens POV of the battle:

Suddenly the ground around Clarissa and her father seemed to carve out of the ground. I went to reach for her but stopped as the ground shot up into the sky being held by rock and earth.
I stared up confused and worried.
I hope Clarissa will be okay.

A growl came from behind me and I turned around to find one of the filthy rouges.

I smiled maliciously, "just your luck rogue, you get to deal with me. " I say coldly.

He growls again and dives onto me, which I quickly reply by grabbing onto his head and flipping him over while slamming his head into the ground.

I dig my fangs into his furry neck, letting the poison invade his body.

Soon his body goes limp and I move onto the next rogue.

And the next.

And the next.

I kill dozens without a second thought.

I pause to take a look around me while I wipe the blood from the corners of my mouth.

We seem to be winning this.

And that brings a small smile to my face. But it soon disappears as I wonder how Clarissa is doing up there.

Glancing quickly into the sky I catch a small glimpse of Clarissa.

Only to be brought back my a howl of pain.
I look over to my right and see my father rip out a rouges throat with his teeth.

Then I notice that there is only about 6 rogues left and they seem to realize that.

Slowly they take steps back before whipping around and running into the forest.

A full on grin lights up my face.

I smile at my mother and father who smile back at me.

We won.

But did Clarissa?

Once again my eyes wander to the bright blue sky only to be met With two figures hurdling towards the earth

I panic and completely freeze.

Within ten seconds they both hit the ground With loud thuds, and Clarissa stabs him with some sort of dagger.

She rolls left as he rolls right.

Taking a quick look at Jonathan I see that he's as good as dead.

While Clarissa is alive, but looking rather ghostly.

I run to her.

"Clarissa!" I shout.

"Clarissa!" My panicky voice soon reaches her ears.

"Hey" She replies like this is just a normal day

I drop down to the ground and cradle her body.

"Oh my god" I says running my hand shakily over her heart, only to find the beat of it slowing.

"Please don't leave me Clarissa, I need you" I cry taking her numb hands in mine and kissing them as sobs rack my body.

She just looks at me like she couldn't feel the kiss.

But soon grins at me even though the pain that's taking over her body is probably unbearable.

"I'm .... Im not gonna leave you," She says airily.

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