Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

So this is gonna be a short chapter:(

Sorry guys but I have writers block and a bunch of stuff on my plate..

So sorry if this chapter sucks.

Clarissa's POV

Recap :

After another while longer I decided to rest.

"Hey Cassidy, why don't you go put your feet in that creek to relax."
I stated breathlessly.

She nodded her head and climbed down from me.

I watched as she walked away behind the tree. Before I could turn around I heard the click of a gun locking.

"Don't move"


My the deepness of the voice I could tell this person was male.

I Inhaled deeply.


That's another advantage I have.
My senses are more defined like Werwolfs, but Im not one. So yeah I could smell he was werwolf, but an Alpha as well.

"What are you gonna do shoot me?" I ask mockingly, my back still facing him.

Then just to test it out I took a step forward. He growled loudly,
"I said don' t move!"

I glanced over at Cassidy who was oblivious to the situation.

I made another step towards her and that's when I heard a loud 'bang' explode into the air.

That's when I noticed the immense pain in my left hip/ lower back.

"Geez what'd you put in those bullets!? ..........For the love of all things holy!" I nearly shouted gripping my left side with my hand.

Yeah that definitely hurt more then you expect it to.

I mean think about. No really think about it. A metal piece shot into your body at a high speed connecting with skin, flesh, and blood.

It also wasn't really helping that I was thinking about that!

"You know what Alpha?" I spit out, while pulling out the bullet with my fingers. I winced slightly as the pain was excruciating and dropped the metal piece on the forest floor.

I knew that my wound would eventually heal.

"I'm tired of playing games"

I whipped around quickly knocking him off his feet with my powers and un-arming the gun with my Telekinesis.

I threw him back into a tall tree and made sure he was fully pinned.

Slowly walking over to him I got to get a good look at him.

He was tall, maybe 6'4.
And had strong, broad shoulders with a sculpted chest.
I look up to his head and see a mess of dirty blonde hair. Now I normally don't go for blondes but I gotta say that he is extremely good looking.
Yet I still haven't made eye contact with him.

Hesitantly I looked into his eyes.

Immediately I was engulfed by the deep sea green colour of his eyes.

The world around me slowly faded away and it was just me looking at him and him staring back at me.

For some reason every single thought, memory, and worry disappeared.

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