Chapter 13:

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Chapter 13:

I left the memories room 15 minutes ago, by myself.

I decided to wander around the castle and see what was here.
And of course I got lost.

"Ugh, This place is so confusing" I say while throwing my hands in the air.

"Need some help" I hear someone chuckle behind me.
I whip around and see Aspen leaning against the wall.

"No I can find my way back thank you very much" I tell him.

He smirks, and within a second he's in front of me.

My eyes widen and I take a step back at our closeness.

"Lead the way then" he says smiling innocently.

"I will, but first can you tell me where your mother is?" I ask sweetly.

He nods "yeah she's in the living room."

"Okay can I take us to the living room?" I ask him.

He laughs "sure, if you can find your way"

Tsk tsk, silly vampire, underestimating me.

"Okay, let's make a bet"

"If I can get to the living room in less than 3 minutes I get to re-decorate your room." I say smiling.

"alright. . . But if I win, you have to sleep in my room with me and. . Not argue with me for a day." he says smirking.

I think over what he said, a smile spreading across my face.

"Deal" I say shaking his extended hand.

"Deal" he says back.

I let go of his left hand and take his right one.

I then walk over to the wall placing my hand on It. I close my eyes and drag it across there.

Now where are you Cecilia?

Another one of my powers is being able to know and feel where someone is.

As soon as I can feel exactly where Cecilia is and how to get there I smile and take my hand off the wall.

"You might want to hold onto me" I say smirking at Aspen.

He frowns "why would I need to do th- ahh" I cut him off by teleporting us to the living room.

As soon as we're there Aspen looses his balance and starts to fall, I look down at my hand that he's still holding.

"Uh oh" I say right before Aspen falls and I fall on top of him.

"Oomph" I say landing on his chest.

I look down and see That Almost every inch of our bodies are touching and our faces are centimetres apart.

Aspen smirks at me while I just glare at him.

We' re interrupted my Cecilia.

"Aspen I thought I raised you better, Clarissa's first time should be romantic!" I hear Cecilia shriek.

I look up and see Cecilia glaring down at Aspen.

I blush and stand up.

"Trust me it was nothing like that Cecilia" I say chuckling.

"Oh, then what were you two doing?" She asks not believing what I said.

"Well I got lost and long story short made a bet that if I could find my way to the living room in less than 3 minutes I got to decorate his room" I say pointing to Aspen who was standing next to me.

After about a minute of silence I turn to Aspen a grin growing on my face.
He looks at me like I'm crazy and takes a small step away from me.

"OH MY GOSH I GET TO DECORATE YOUR ROOM!!!!" I yell as loud as I can in Aspen's ear.

He covers his ears glaring at me.

I start dancing around and pumping my fist in the air screaming "YES!"

"How did you get here so quick anyway?" Cecilia asks chuckling at Aspen and I.

"Teleported" I simply say placing my hands carelessly on my hips.

I smile at Aspen "silly vampire" I start,
I then jump onto his back hooking my arm around his neck and messing up his hair.

"NEVER UNDERESTIMATE ME!" I shout into his ear pumping my fist in the air.


"Clarissa get off my back" Aspen says annoyed.

I frown and get off his back.

"You ruin all of the fun " I say sticking my tongue out at him.

"Yes well we need to get serious again" he says to me.

"Your right" I say getting serious and walking out of the dining room with Aspen and Cecilia.

"Alright so what I was thinking is
That-" Aspen starts but I cut him off.

"Oh, no. There is no way your going to give me directions or tell me what 'your thinking' " I say to him.

"I'm in charge here, for now. What I say you do." I say making sure power is dripping from my voice.

"Fine" Aspen says after a moment of silence.

I smile "Good, so first I'm guessing My Father is not going to come alone. We might have made a deal to come alone but be always ends up breaking a couple rules."
I tell them.

"Well if he's going to break that rule what makes you think he isn't going to have someone help him fight you?" Aspen asks angrily.

I laugh "don't worry about that. He won't need help." I say.

"Now I need all the Vampires in your clan out in the back yard. We are training."

I turn around to see Aspen laughing and Cecilia shushing him.

"Y-you think that w-we need training?" Aspen says between laughs.

I nod "Yes unless one of you can take me down." I smirk then turn around and head outside.

I wait outside for about 5 minutes and wait for everyone to fill the field.

Once the inside door is closed I call out "now lets begin! girls and guys split up!" about 60 guys go to my left and 30 girls go to my right.

"Everyone older than 25 go do 100 push-ups and 200 sit-ups. If I see anyone doing them incorrectly We will stay out here all night until you do then correctly!' I shout.

17 woman and 35 men leave.

"Alright I will not train anyone younger than 13 so if you are, go help the mothers and children."

About 7 girl and boys leave.

That leaves me with 45 girl and boys between the ages of 13 and 25.

"Okay, now that I've gotten everyone organized let start training."

I scan the crowd and see everyone looking confused. I turn around and see the adults still just standing there staring at me like I'm crazy.

I sigh heavily.

"Everyone lets just say I'm not technically human. Im not a vampire, werwolf, angel, or fairy either. I am Clarissa Powers, daughter of Jonathan Powers and Marie Powers. And no I'm not dead, my family wasn't killed in a fire either. Half of my family was killed by your kind, so be happy I'm not as cruel as my father. He would kill all of you right now, and yes he is alive as well. And he's going to come and battle me to the death with about 400 rogues. So let's train." I say to all of them in there minds.

As soon as I finish everyone gets serious and followed my earlier orders.

I turn back to my group.
"So why don't we start off With people who think this is so stupid, and that you can fight."

One guy who is huge compared to me steps forward with his arms crossed.

"Ah, so you think this is gonna be a piece of cake. Well its not."

I turn to Aspen and point at the guy "Aspen may I?" I ask.

Before he can even say anything I get into a fight stance and circle the guy.
He just chuckles.

Oh no he didn't!
He is so going to pay!

I drop my arms to my side and let my eyes change blue.

"You do not disrespect me!" I shout letting my voice change to an octave lower.

Fear flickers in his eyes but he quickly covers it and gets into a fighting stance.

I glare at him and throw my hands up in the air, making him fly up into the sky.

Aspen rushes out of the group of people and comes over to me.

He's standing behind me so I have no idea what he's going to do.

Before I get the chance to turn around and stop him from coming near me, I feel his arms wrap around my waist.

Immediately I feel calm.

"Clarissa set him down." Aspen says calmly.

I hesitate for a moment, but then turn around to face him.

"Ahhhhh!!" I hear the guy screaming as he falls from the sky.

I stare at Aspen and he glances nervously at the sky.

"Clarissa" he warns.

I just give him a 'what?' look.

I can here the guy coming close to the ground behind me.

"Clarissa!" Aspen shouts.

I turn around and freeze the guy who dared to disrespect me. He was 5 inches away from the ground, fear shining in his brown eyes.

I set him down gently and turn to the audience we had.

"That's what will happen if you disrespect me. But instead of catching you I will let you fall." I say coldly.

I'm not normally this mean but I have to be scary enough for vampires to be afraid of me. And they kill humans.
So it's hard.

"Now that we've all had our show lets actually start training. Mkay?"
I ask everyone, and see them nod there heads frantically.



I am so sorry my lovelies!:'(

I didnt update earlier and I should have, could have.

But I had totally forgotten! Stupid me.


Ooooh Clarissa's got: A fun side. A stubborn side. And a 'don't mess with me' side.

So she's pretty much all of those.

Soooo COMMENT on how you liked this chapter.
Also VOTE!!!!!

And tell me how you guys like Aspen.

:) Ps. I'll edit this and make it more descriptive.


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