Chapter eleven

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Getting to Abuja was a stressful journey. The sitting alone weakened me.

I wasn't the one driving yet I felt so tired. All I did was eat, sleep, and eat. I sometimes wish Dad allowed me travel during the holidays but no, he never released his daughter. You're to spend your holidays reading and getting ready for the next term. To be honest, Dad made me love books. If not for Dad, I wouldn't take reading an important thing to do cause some of my mates in school never read.

For some days, victor didn't let me sleep with his text messages. Before you know it, his message has entered. All because I didn't want Mom and Dad to suspect anything, the day I left Crown school was the day I changed my phone profile to silent.

I enjoyed reading his silly text messages because each time I read it, I couldn't help but smile and laugh if necessary. My result had not been sent to me, but I prayed almost all the time not to fail a single subject, because if I should, there would definitely be a change of plans.

I sat down on my usual seat at the dinning table eating my lunch, while mom was busy reading the 'Christian women mirror magazine'. Suddenly, the door burst open and my Dad stormed in. Ghen, ghen! I knew something was about to happen like that. He looked absolutely furious. He turned to me and immediately, I hid my face in fear. God oooo... what's happening like this. I wondered so many times how Mom was managing to cope with this man.

"Suzy!" He yelled out my name enough for people walking close to the house to hear.

"Yes Daddy." I replied innocently as if I didn't know what the matter was. For him to be that way, it was either the results had been sent or something else entirely.

"Go in and bring all your textbooks. I want to see everything." He instructed. I could see Mom already standing on her feet staring at Dad with the look of, 'easy dear'.  Only mom knew how to calm him down with easy dear, which had become her favourite words to make that man calm.

"And your phone! Bring it here as well!" I heard him shouted.

Ahh! That one pain me small o.

I wondered what he wanted to use my phone for. I wasn't expecting him back because he spent three to five days whenever he travelled, but now, he came back after two days of leaving. It actually surprised Mom and I, but we just had to wait and find out what happened this time.

The moment I got to Dad, he collected my phone and immediately he switched it off. "Now listen," he said in a command tone. "You're not allowed to go out with your friends during this holiday." He raised his brow at me. "When did you start getting C in further maths? Tell me? What happened to you miss? Is that what you scored to get the scholarship or you are relaxing because we no longer have to pay for your school fees ma'am? I can always change you to the one I will get to pay if that will make you serious again."

What! Dad don't even try it. Change me as how? Don't change me o.

I couldn't look up at him, but my mind was conversing with him. Dad could be serious like that, but Crown School was not some bread and akara school. Every child was more than willing to start from jss1 even if he or she was in ss3 as long as the scholarship was granted. I was looking down as Dad continued. I never liked Dad getting angry at me because he would have his eyes on me the whole time and I wouldn't be free at all.

"Starting from tomorrow," he said, "I will get you a teacher who will take you further maths. And you better start reading your books. You have just three weeks. Are we clear?"

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