Chapter Fifty Four

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Every step I took made my heart pound right in my chest.

Why was I even scared?

Austin needed to know the truth. We had been together for more than seven months and he had been good and caring to me. But I needed not to deceive him and put everything behind us.

Stepping into the reception, I saw him. His back was facing me as he moved up and down, definitely worried about something.

"Hi, good afternoon." I slowly greeted. I was a bit afraid I might be getting a very loud one in return which I did eventually.

"What's good about the afternoon!" He turned around, shooting me a dead glare. I didn't want to cause any argument or fight, so I tried to keep my voice low.

"Keep your voice down please."

"Why are you here in the first place?" He didn't hide the fact that he was angry, raising his voice at me.

"I'm here for Victor. He had an accident. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. I know you guys don't get along, but he needs me," I tried to apologise.

He hissed. "After he broke up with my sister and came running to you. And then, you will tell me you guys are just friends."

I actually didn't know he broke up with Gabi, but that wasn't my concern. I knew I needed to tell him the truth. "Austin I want to-"

"Don't you try to fool me again!" His eyes were burning and his hands were already balled up in a fist ready to attack someone. I was scared anything might happen because he was very angry at the moment. "Don't you try to say he's just a friend, because I read out of the silly letters he sent to you during your time in school. Besides, who still does that to get a lady!"

"Austin just listen!" My voice was raised a bit for him to hear me out. I actually thought it was Love who tampered with the box. "First, that was my property. It's mine and you have no say on whatever it is. Why did you touch it in the first place?" I was starting to raise my voice. I knew the nurses would soon send us out because that was not allowed in the hospital.

He clapped his hands. "Well played! Now it's Victor. Just see how your two eyes almost popped out of your socket-"

"Excuse me! If someone actually told me you don't have manners, I wouldn't have believed." He also didn't believe I said that, and that earned me a good stare.

"That isn't coming from you right?"

"That's because I'm confused how you could throw such insult at me!" I made my voice very clear for him to hear me well. I was trying to be cool, but I wouldn't take insults. He was shocked by my reaction. Guess he wasn't expecting that. I had always been so cool with his anger, trying not to add to the burning fire, and he must have thought he would get away with it again this time. I was there for us to talk and not to argue, but I still wouldn't allow to be talked to anyhow. I calmed down. "Austin, Victor hasn't done anything wrong. Just hear what I have to say."

"That's what you think!" He replied immediately, angry words pouring out his mouth. Eyes blazing like a red charcoal. Someone couldn't deal with his anger problems. "You want to know what he's done to me?" His eyes were glued on me, very serious. "He broke my sister's heart and he wants to take you away. Isn't that what it looks like? I see why he hates me the moment he saw me. I was his rival." He looked into my eyes and I immediately looked away.

"Austin, will you just calm down and listen."

"That what?" He shot me an angry look again.

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