Chapter Fourty

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I miss her. I miss us
                           Victor Stephen.

Everything I could think of was her. All I wanted was to see her and have a talk with her after many stressful months. So I called the only person who could help me. Yomi Stephen

Dad and I arrived a week before Crown school valedictory service. I thought he never wanted me back to Nigeria until I was done with my education abroad. I knew the only reason Dad brought me with him to Nigeria was because of a business he was taking care of. And as always, little Victor needed to know what the business was about. I really do not care though. I was ready as long as I was going to see Suzy.

The only thing that dominated my brain was seeing Suzy. Talking to her again was the dream I kept on having and I was ready to pursue in real life. I really do not know when we would see again, so I planned to use that opportunity to talk to her for the last time.

Mom did her best to remind me why I was in Nigeria. Whenever I tried to hang around or hang out with friends, mom would corner me up.

"To where?"

"Mom I just want to hang out with some of my friends."

As expected, her voice would become louder whenever she was scolding me. "I pray God will deliver you from friends that does not have future. You have a future and you're here for business. You're here to work. Not to hang around with some lazy boys on the street."

I wondered why it had gotten to that?

Since I could not go out, Yomi was always around to keep my company. We were discussing Suzy, not knowing Mom heard. She walked up to us and threw me some words that could make someone cry till eternity.

"If at your age, your Dad was thinking about girls, do you think he would be successful today?" She was angry. "I don't think you know you're getting old and-"

"Mom, I'm just nineteen." I cut her off.

"Just shut your mouth. That Suzy of a girl is a distraction to you. I must not see you at that Valedictory service if you don't want to deal with me."

"But mom, Suzy has not done anything," I tried to explain.

"Keep quiet!" She raised her fore finger at me. "She has! Ever since that girl arrived, you've been acting so irresponsible. So stupid of you to be thinking about a girl at this age. I just want you to be like your father." She was back to the sweet Mom again. "I want you to be as successful as him. You need to let your education be your priority and not a girl for now. And yes, when you're done and ready for marriage, Betty is there. I know you guys like each other."

I turned to the only person beside me for saviour, but my dear cousin was on a sleeping position, laughing quietly with his head turned to the other side so Mom wouldn't see him.

Like seriously, what has Betty got to do with this? Who is marrying Betty? May be her sha.

"Daniella is also there. In fact, my friend was just telling me that Gabriela would be coming to your school over there. And I know you've always liked that fair girl." Mom smiled.

That was before. So she should stop doing over thinking. This heart can love someone else tomorrow. That's just it.

Finally when Mom left, Yomi sat up and threw a wink at me. "Bae loves you," he laughed, referring to my Mom.

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