chapter 2

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As I lay on my bed just thinking about this new kid, I wonder why he had to stay at this adoption, why couldn’t he just stay at the one he was in. I probably laid in bed for about 3 hours, but then  I heard my stomach grumble so I went downstairs, when I heard Mrs. Donovan talking on  the phone I know it’s wrong to listen in on a conversation that you’re not in, but I had to because it sounded very interesting.

“yes, ya, mhmm, I know, he should be fine, right, but you don’t understand ma’am, no I’m sorry, alright well I have this girl here and she might teach him good here ok, no she is 14, yes  they are the same age, ok, so you will drop him off in a week? Great, bye now.” 

That’s all I heard of the conversation, so she decides to talk about me and this boy whose coming and I have to babysit him. Great I’m going to have blast.

“Oh well look who finally decided to come and eat something, how are you feeling dear?” Mrs. Donovan seemed glad to see me or glad that I’m going to have a friend soon. But I don’t understand why, she’s never been this nice to me before and all of a sudden she seems like we’re best friends, which will never happen cause she’s like fifty and I’m fourteen. I bet once this guy comes she’s going to go back to her usual self or maybe not I’m hoping not.

“I’m fine I guess, what was for dinner? No one called me to eat.” I was disappointed on knowing that I didn’t get called to eat. Wasn’t I part of this adoption center too?

“We have a plate made up for you sweetie, we didn’t call you because we thought you wouldn’t be hungry, and you seemed so sad about having to watch this new boy, but I’ve heard a lot and he seems pretty good.”  Yeah that’s what everybody will tell you if you have to ‘watch’ a new kid.

After that I left for the kitchen, because right now my stomach is hurting from being so hungry. It feels like I haven’t eaten in years! The meal was good but would’ve been better if I ate it when it first came out of the oven.

That night I had trouble sleeping, one minute I was too cold, then the next I was too hot. I know I’m not getting sick, I can’t be, I just got over the flu! Maybe all this stress about finding a home and a loving family or meeting this new guy, what if he’s a jerk towards me like everyone else? Then what am I going to do?

When I wake up around nine, I hear Mrs. Donovan talking to people who don’t sound familiar; I jump out of my bed and quickly get dressed, and run downstairs to see if they are a couple looking for a child, hopefully a teenager! Mrs. Donovan looks at me then looks back at the couple; she gives me a look that tells me that I’m wanted. Maybe today is the day I get to be in a family. I get so excited I run downstairs with a huge smile on my face.

“Alright Mr. and Mrs. Rock, this is our oldest here she is 14 years old, but a great loving kid, who is very smart! Her name is Rosie” I give them a smile because I’m not in the mood to talk even though this is my chance to get adopted. The parents give a smile back and say something but I wasn’t paying much attention. They went out of the room for ten whole minutes, which felt like forever!

Mrs. Donovan and the couple go out of the room to talk without me there but I overhear some of what they had to say.

“She seems very sweet and nice but we were hoping for a younger age.” The women said that and right away I felt sad and disappointed knowing that they didn’t want to make a girl have a happy life but I’m sure one of the other kids would have a good time with this couple. Before they come back out, I walked outside in the sunshine.

Even though the couple didn’t want me I wasn’t all that sad, I mean yeah I was disappointed by not being the one they wanted, but I guess seeing how I’ve been through this a lot, I just learn have to deal with it. Maybe just maybe a couple will come through those doors and want to take me home and I sure hope that day will come soon.

For the rest of the evening I played with all the little kids which wasn’t too bad, it sure kept my mind of a lot of things. But when I finished I was exhausted… and hungry. At dinner we all talked about our days, I somewhat talked but mostly listened, and I think Mrs. Donovan was pleased to see me sort of happy and not sad and not locked up in my room all day until night. I was glad I actually had a decent day, the first good day I’ve had in ages, actually. I’m also kind of excited to meet this new guy, who knows maybe he isn’t even that bad.

For the rest of the evening I read a book, I sound really nerdy but I get bored and I didn’t really pay attention so I had to re-read a chapter five times, and still didn’t understand but oh well, thinking was somewhat better anyways. Even though I was thinking about this new guy…

There’s only three more days till the new guy comes, it’s weird because it’s all everyone can talk about and we don’t even know his name! Guess it’ll be a surprise, a surprise that I’m actually kind of excited about. Maybe there’s a chance that he isn’t so bad of a guy after all but if he comes in this place and acts like a total jerk than I’ll be one back, just to be mean, even though I can’t even hurt a fly but I’ll try.

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