Chapter 21

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Ok so i had a bit of time to post this chaper, my last exam is tmorrow than school is out! Then i'll get to post more, anywho its sort of a long chapter, but i hope you guys like it. i should be studing, but whatever, enjoy. :)

Rosie’s POV

I stood on the very top of the roof, just looking down, the last look of life I’ll ever see, it’s so pretty out, but at the same time it’s so ugly. I hear sirens in the background, probably coming here to tell me not to kill myself, but I don’t care what they think, they don’t know what I’m going through, I need to go, I need to die, I can’t stand life anymore. I walk closer to the edge, hesitant on jumping. I just stand at the edge, looking down, I see people crowding the house, watching me as I’m about to jump, I knew they’d come to see me die, there’s even reporters, and camera people, they want to put me killing myself on TV too what do you know? I knew everybody would want me dead.

The sirens come to a stop, well they’re still there but not as loud, I here policemen yelling at me to not do it, but they don’t own me, I see the fire truck guys pulling a ladder to come stop me. But nothing can change my mind I want to be dead; I don’t want to live anymore. The firemen is standing on the roof now, he looks scared as hell, his face is pale, and he looks like he just seen a ghost.

“Hi, I’m George, look don’t jump, you don’t have to end your life like this, you don’t need to die, there’s no reason to commit suicide.” He says soothingly, too bad he can’t change my mind, maybe once I jump and die, I can be with my birth mom again.

“No! I want to die! More than I ever wanted anything ever!” I yell, tears are coming to my eyes.

“Please, come down we can talk about this I know there are many people who don’t want you dead.” He points to the crowed of people, I notice a lot of kids who go to my school but there’s one person who pops out, Brandi. What is she doing here? Her face looks red from crying, or laughing. I’m guessing laughing.

“No they’re here to laugh and cheer when I’m gone!” I yell through my sobs.

“No Rosie they won’t, in fact they’ll probably cry everyday knowing you’re not there.” He says soothingly.

“Yeah right! They want me gone! If they wanted me alive they wouldn’t have called me names, and bullied me to the extent!” I yell again, my tears coming down faster. Until I hear someone call me name, I turn my head to see Brandon, standing on the roof, he looks terrified.

“Rosie! Please don’t jump!” he says yelling as well.

“Why shouldn’t I? I want to die!” I yell back, ready to jump.

“Rosie please just give me time to talk.” He pleads.

“Fine hurry up!” I yell waiting for him to talk.

“If you die, I think I’ll actually die, I can’t see the girl I love die, I can’t let you go and jump.”

“You don’t love me; if you did you wouldn’t have ignored me when I needed you most.” I keep crying, man I’m so emotional.

“Because I-I.” he stopped talking.

“That’s what I thought, now if excuse me, I have a life to end. Good-bye, have a happy life without me.” I look down, looking at the crowed; some people have their phones out, videotaping this I bet.

I look down again quickly, seeing if I can spot out Anna, but she’s nowhere to be found. Which kind of hurts, but I guess she can watch it on the news later. I get closer to the edge, look down, ready to end my life, everybody is quiet all I here is the policemen on the speaker devices, until someone uses a horn thinger to talk to me.

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