chapter 10

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We got to the store an hour after we left Hillside. Normally it would only take me and Brandon a half an hour but seeing how we had to bring Lily with us it took longer. When we walked close enough to see the back wall of the store, we came into a complete stop. We looked at each other without breaking the silence. Brandon suddenly grabbed my hand and I started walking behind him, beside Lily, she gave me a strange look, I don’t know why maybe it was because me and Brandon were holding hands while she was still single. Which made me laugh a little because a pretty girl like her shouldn’t be single but oh well its none of my business.

By now we were standing in front of the big doors that lead into the store, still no one was saying a word but this time I led us all into the store with Brandon and Lily behind me. Nothing new happened in the store, that girl Jarin was still where she normally was and as soon as we walked in, she saw Brandon, then her face lit up like the usual. Nothing has really changed actually, she’s still ‘in love’ with my boyfriend.

“Hello, can I help you find anything.” The whole time she was starring at Brandon.

“Uh nope I think we’re good, thanks bye.” I snapped at her, I hated every bit of her she is trying to take Brandon away from me but what she doesn’t know is that, that’ll never work out.

“Oh well I do believe I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to this cute man here.” She glared at me. Oh could I just rip her head off!

“Oh well I do believe this cute man is my boyfriend, so I suggest you back off.” I gave her attitude so she knew that I meant business.

“Well I do believe I can kick you out of my store.”

“Well I do believe I could get you fired for acting so rude to a costumer.” She just stood there in shock but ignored me.

“So can I help you finding anything sure?” ugh why couldn’t she just lay off Brandon?

“Umm yeah actually you could.” He looked at me with a glare, why was he acting like this? “Look why don’t you just go walk around or something ok?” this time he was talking to me, his voice sounded so mean and harsh he’s never spoken to me like this before.

“Fine I’ll let you be with her I’ll wait outside seeing how I can’t just leave.” With that I headed for the door expecting him to stop me, but I was wrong all he did was talk to her.

~Brandon’s POV~

I didn’t know what to do exactly but she was acting so rude, I had to tell her to go walk around so she could chill but now she’s probably pissed off at me.

“Good she’s gone now” Jarin said with a smirk on her face.

 “Sure” I replied I was kind of upset with myself. I look over at Lily to see her expression, she was shocked in what just happened.

“Ok so what do you need help with? Dumping her?” I shook my head at her and just walked away to a random isle, of course she followed.

She was pretty I mean her hair just fell into place perfectly and her blue eyes were stunning, she had a slim figure, and a nice style. Her brown hair was straight, and the length was down to the middle of her back. Damn the more I think about it the prettier she gets.

When I realize I’m checking her out I look at the ground blushing

”Are you sure your dating her?” she asks bluntly.

“Uh yeah I’m dating her.”

“Oh well if it doesn’t work out, you know to find me, because you deserve a girl like me, not her.”

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