chapter 4

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We stare at each other for a full 5 minutes. None of us talking just staring like we’re new to this earth and no nothing at all besides knowing that I’m going to be looking after this guy.

He wasn’t that bad looking I mean he was kind of cute but not hot. He has these amazing blue eyes that just stand out they’re so blue, kind of like the blue ocean. I’m a huge sucker for blue eyes. His hair is a dirty blonde, he isn’t that tall but tall enough for a guy. He looks muscular and strong.

I feel like such a creep just staring at him and checking him out but he was basically doing the same about me. This silence went on for a long time and no one said a word until Mrs. Donovan cleared her throat, about to speak.

“Ok so! Rose this is Brandon the new guy I was telling you about so if you could show him around that’d be great!” she seemed nervous about trusting me with this guy but I was fine with this I mean its only a guy it’s not like he’s a drop dead gorgeous celebrity.

“Yes ma’am I’ll show him around for you.” She had a big smile and gave a piece of paper that said where his room was, and with that she left and headed inside. “So you’re the new guy, the one everyone has been talking about; you know you’re not so special.” I didn’t mean to sound rude but I couldn’t help it.

“Yeah I guess you could say I’m the new kid even though I’m not exactly, I’m fourteen just like you, just new to this dumb place. I don’t even wanna be here.” Dang he was a sassy one! I could tell I was going to have a long day ahead of me!

“Alright then let’s just show you around so we can be done with this.” I couldn’t wait till I was done with this guy he must of thought he was cool or something but honestly he wasn’t that cool. He gave me nod and we went on our way.

“Oh and I’m Rosie not Rose, and your name is…?” I can’t believe I asked that, I already been told it, oh well can’t hurt to make a conversation. He laughed at me, don’t know why maybe it was because Rose and Rosie are basically the same but I prefer the name I my mother gave me. I gave him a glare and he knew I wasn’t joking.

“Nice name Rose oh I mean Rosie sorry but don’t go and cry now.” Wow so this is the kind of guy he is, just another jerk. I didn’t say anything to that even though I probably should’ve but I wasn’t in the mood to argue. “Awe is little Rosie sad now cuz I made a joke?” I was clenching my fist and trying not to get to mad.

“You know what? I’m not mad but excuse me for wanting my name to be a certain way and you can just take your attitude and leave and go back to where you came from! I’m not here to listen to you make fun of me or criticising me!” That came out to almost a yell and I sounded a bit harsh but he deserved every bit of it, I think he knew I meant business and that’s the way I want it to be.

You might say I’m the real jerk but I mean, wouldn’t you have done the same? I couldn’t handle it anymore. As soon as I said that he gave a look that was so cute I couldn’t help but feel bad for getting mad at him, but maybe next time he should watch who he was messing with.

“I, I’m sorry for making jokes at you, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings or whatever I hurt, but if you were me than you’d know exactly why I do what I do.” Damn it now I feel like a complete jerk face that doesn’t deserve to be alive!

“Its fine, I’m sorry I raged at you, I just like being called Rosie because…” when I stopped he gave me a look that told me to continue but I didn’t, instead I changed the subject and showed him his room. “Well here’s your room, the last part of this tour hope you enjoyed, see ya later.”

When I was about to walk out of the door someone grabbed my arm and I know for a fact it wasn’t one of the little boys who were in this room, I didn’t feel like turning around but I did anyways to see what he wanted. “Uh sorry but you never finished about the reason why you like your name a certain way.” Great. He didn’t forget.

“It not important I’ll see you at lunch I guess.” With that I turned and left. I wonder why he was curious on knowing about my life, I mean it’s nothing special been here for about ten years, practically my whole life with no family.

*                       *                         *                           *                            *

When it was time for lunch the new kid Brandon sat right beside me, kind of like a puppy, always having to sit by the master.  So far me and Brandon haven’t gotten on the right track and I feel like I should change that and maybe try to talk to him and have a good time. Hopefully that will work. When lunch was done and cleaned up I walked outside to my swing and of course he followed me.

“Hey” he said so chill like nothing happened and we were best friends.

“Hi how do you like this place so far?” yeah so I was curious to know what he thought, so what?

“It’s alright I guess, nicer than my last one that’s for sure.” He came and sat right beside me, and I honestly think that this guy isn’t so bad after all, even though it’s been about 3 hours since he came but so far it’s been alright, besides for the beginning where we didn’t get along but now it seems totally fine.

“Yeah, so how long have you been up for adoption? Just wondering.”

“Since I was only five. You?” wow isn’t that something? We both been here since five, we have a lot more in common than I thought.

“Yeah same here, it sucks a lot.” When I say that his face lights up probably because he knows he’s not the only one out there.

“So what’s your story? Like how did you get um abandoned?” the question I was hoping that would never have been asked…

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