chapter 13

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It was two days after the lady came. Mrs. Donovan told me that I’ll be leaving in month, to live with this new lady who I will have to call, mom. Everyone has been acting different, nobody has been treating me the same, it’s like I already left. I’m totally invisible, even Brandon has been ignoring me, so much for him ‘loving’ me. I feel like it’s phase one, being a nobody, trying to gain the confidence to make new friends, trying to have people to talk to, trying to get the courage to live life. I might have to call the whole dating thing off with Brandon, I don’t want to, but he doesn’t even talk to me anymore, we’ll hang out but the whole time its quiet and on the odd occasion we will make small talk. I hate it, knowing that just because I’m leaving to a family, or a lady, that everybody has to ignore me, and just make me feel unwanted and useless, and not loved. Even Mrs. Donovan is ignoring me, too. Just the other day I asked her a question, and she just walked away. I no longer get to watch the twins, Brandon got that job.

Right now I hate life, I finally met a guy who makes me feel special, amazing, and the only girl in the world, but it turns out he is just like all the other boys in the world, ignorant, annoying, and rude. So right now, I’m sitting outside, not on my swing, I’m just looking out in the sky, just wanting to leave now, I hope this month goes by faster.

~Brandon’s POV~

After I found out that Rosie will be leaving in a month, I just shut down; I didn’t know what to do. So I’ve just been ignoring her, I think I’m going to break up with her, I mean she’s leaving anyways right? She won’t mind, I hope.

*later on that day*

I’ve been planning out how I will be breaking up with Rosie without hurting her, I think she might get hurt still but it has to be done, and I still want to be friends though. I decided to break up with her after dinner.

When dinner came, we all sat in silence, Tyler already knew about my plan, and so did Lily, but she promised that she wouldn’t tell Rosie. When it was after dinner and I helped cleared the dinner dishes and stuff I asked Rosie if we could go outside, she said yeah.

“Hi.” I said, man this was awkward.

“Hey.” She said quietly.

“So um I was thinking maybe we should uh break up.” I feel bad and guilty.

“Ok.” Is all she said, then walked away, well that was easier than I thought, but yet my heart hurt, and I’m the one who broke up with her.

~Rosie’s POV~

Even though Brandon broke up with me, I wasn’t hurt, well I was, but I saw it coming, I don’t even have tears to shed anymore. I hope that as soon as I move things will get better. Maybe getting adopted won’t be so bad after all.

*2 Months later*

It’s been one month since I left Hillside, I miss it a lot, but the thing is I don’t think it misses me. I haven’t done much, this lady’s name is Anna, and she’s so nice. She even took me out shopping to get new clothes that are even in fashion! She took me to get a haircut so my hair isn’t so dead anymore, my hair isn’t at the middle of my back anymore, it’s just below my shoulders. I have my own room and everything. I love it. I even met some new people around my age group. This one girl has cherry red hair, she kind of reminds me of Ariel, the princess, but her name is Sophie, she’s so sweet, she’s kind of tall, only about an inch taller than me anyways, she has a good sense of humor too, her green eyes go with her hair, she looks like she could be a model or something, and she likes me too! Another girl I met has brown hair, not very tall maybe about two inches shorter than me, but she is so friendly, she has about 3 dogs, and she does volunteer work, I think that’d be fun to do, but she is definitely the most nicest girl in the world, her name is kylie, she too, is also so pretty to be a model! This boy who I had met seems nice, we have a lot in common, I hope we can be best friends, because I always fine that it is a drama free zone with guy friends, but he won’t replace Brandon. Nobody could replace Brandon.

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